Presidents | Chapter 8

Chapter 8 | Away

"Sawada-kaichou! Are you sure?" One committee member asked, tears brimming her eyes. She is not the only one though, everyone in the council is sad for something. 
"I'm afraid so, my family's waiting for me to go home, you know?" Sawada-kaichou said, a sad smile on his face. The council does know the difficulties that their head has. His family is overseas, he is the heir to his grandfather's company, so and so. However, they still want their encompassing-all head to be in the school.
After all, he is a great leader to everyone.
"However," Sawada-kaichou said with a frown. "I would not like this to get out of these walls. Everything I say would be here only." His eyes glint orange, sending a shiver down the other members' spine. "I would leave in a week so I would like you all to silently select a new head." Murmurings aroused from the small team, getting the president to cough to get their attention. "Preferably Akashi-kun, please."
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"Akashi-kun," Sawada-kaichou murmured as he moved his rook two spaces forward. "What is it, Tsunayoshi?" Tsunayoshi kept silent for a moment. 
"Call me Tsuna, would you?"
Akashi pushed his bishop backwards by two before looking at his friend. "Why?" 
"Just do it please?" The brunet pleaded with puppy eyes, even though he took away the black bishop that Akashi moved. The redhead cussed a little before silence ensued. 
"Fine then, Tsuna."
Tsuna gave a relieved smiled and mouthed 'thank you', efficiently puzzling Akashi. 
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Akashi walked down towards the cafeteria when he overheard the conversation between two student council members, he frowned. 
"Tsuna-san is leaving today and I still don't know whether to pick his choice of the new student head." 
"I don't know whether his choice is right either but his judgement of the situation is always correct. Maybe we should heed his option."
"To be honest, I want to hold him a farewell party before he leaves during the sixth period. It sickens me to know that we have no time to organise anything." 
Akashi clenched his fist before walking up to them. He tapped on one of their shoulders, causing them to jump. "How about I help in the preparations?"
For a moment, they looked shell-shocked. Their lips moved to form a phrase that he could figure out. In no time, they were all seated in the student council office, making secret preparations for the leaving of their beloved council president. 
The new president
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The sixth class started and everyone was listening to class, except for a certain brunet. His eyes kept glancing outside as if waiting for something to arrive. 
Just then, a black vehicle with a huge golden logo speeding along the Kyoto highways caught his eye. He raised his arm, signalling to his teacher about his leave. 
His teacher looks shocked and looked at the wall clock. Her happy face fell. Her eyes turned slightly glistening, asking quietly, it's time alreadyTsuna nods his head slowly, much to her disappointment. She liked the brunet a lot, aiding the teachers despite the sky-high paperwork he has in the council room. He was also very kind and polite to everyone, despite his position. 
She signed with her hands and nods her head. Tsuna smiled at her and quickly packs his bag, strutting out of the classroom and pass his friends' door. 
Taking that as a cue, the student council together with Akashi started distributing letters to every class, getting all of them to open the letter at lightning speed. He then jumps out of one of the classroom windows that faced the gate.
So when Tsuna stepped out of the building, he saw a certain redhead standing in between the limousine and him, blocking his path. 
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" Akashi said, his eyes pleading for an answer. "If you're going to leave, you should have told me! I'm your best friend at school! I have all the rights to know!" 
Tsuna lowered his bangs. 
"If I tell you about my decision, then it'll be harder for me to leave."
Not wanting to pry further, his nods his head coolly. Tsuna smiled (again) and was about to take another step when Akashi stopped him again. "What do you need? Seijuuro-san."
A small smile graced the red head's lips. "Before you go, I have a gift for you, Tsuna." Said male tilts his head in confusion but kept quiet. Allowing his friend to do his magic. Akashi clapped his hands loudly and soon, blocks of students appeared from their classroom windows. They were all applauding with a lot of vigour, cheering his name. Banners then started to get hanged outside, sending him encouraging notes as well as a farewell. 
Tears leaked out of his eyes as he took the effort to cover his quivering lips. "Why? How?" 
"Let's just say that your message escaped the four walls," Seijuuro concluded, his smile widening at the success of his job. He gave a thumbs up to the student council, even though they have tears in their eyes too. 
Soon, the brunet turned away, walking further from the school building. The vehicle clicked open and a silver head emerged from the car. "Juudaime..." Tsuna shook his head as he took the tissue paper from his first friend. He looks back at the school building, the council and then Akashi. 
He took a deep breath and shouted. "Everyone! Thank you very much! I know that the way I'm leaving is very haphazard but please, never forget! You win as a school, you lose as a school, you-"
"Move together as a school!" The students shouted, remembering what the brunet taught them when he first gave the council head speech. They cheered as loudly as possible, leaving a smile of his face. 
"Once again, thank you very much!" He gave a final bow towards the school before taking one more step. "Please don't tear apart the unity of the school, Akashi-kaichou." He finally said as he steps into the car, the silver head entering later. 
Giving a final smile, he left the compound, leaving the redhead speechless. He quickly snapped out of it and muttered. "I won't, I promise."


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