Presidents | Chapter 2


Chapter 2 | Interruptions

This time, no one dared to enter the classroom. It is said that two monsters were there. One red lion and one orange lion.

Somewhat true and somehow not.

The two males that soon became friends were playing a large scaled snake and ladder. The dices were huge and they themselves are the pieces. The tables have been pushed towards the side of the classroom or outside.

Akashi picked up the blue dice and walked back to his spot, coolly tossing the dice towards his friend's feet. Three dots were reflected on the top face. He smirked and moved three steps, going up an imaginary ladder on the floor. "Four more and I'll win. You owe me a pair of scissors." He reported.

Sawada sighed and waved his hand tiredly. Gosh, they've been at it for more than an hour and none of them managed to reach the goal. "Two more and I'll be bouncing back to the same spot. Why am I stuck on tile 99?" He exclaimed. Akashi was about to laugh when the door bangs open, earning a deathly glare from the red head.

"Sei-chan, coach wants you at the office for the new training schedule of th- oh dear." The male froze at the sight of his captain. His glare was horrifying and if they can burn people, he would be burnt to crisp by now. The male broke into cold sweat.

"What does the coach want again? Reo," Akashi asked. Reo snapped out and laughed nervously. "Coach wants you to pass him the new training schedule." Akashi groaned. He turned to Sawada and cocked an eyebrow.

"Just go, I'll take this chance to rest. I'll wait for you." Sawada answered and gestured to emphasize his point. Akashi shrugged and walked out while the male stood there, looking at him.

"Hi, may I help you?" The brunet simply asked. Reo scanned him from head to toe and smiled a bit. "Are you a friend of Sei-chan? He usually plays alone."

"Maybe not to him. I'm merely an acquaintance but I really treat him as a friend." Sawada answered. Reo made a silent 'oh' and smiled, slightly wider than before.

At least he has a soft side.

Reo hummed and left the room, leaving a stunned brunet hanging.

A while later, the red head stomped back into the game, his expression slightly sour. Sawada could tell from the previous records that he does not like interruptions in his game so he shrugged off the image and smiled.

"Let's continue," the brunet spoke and invited him playmate back into the game. A minute later, Sawada's phone rang. He whipped out his device and looked at the screen. "Ah, Hayato." He murmured. Akashi cocked an eyebrow.

The brunet decided to pick it up and unfortunately, the call is on speaker mode. He puts the phone to his ear and spoke. "This is Tsuna. Do you need anything in particular?" Sawada immediately yanked the phone away from the speaker.


"Woah woah, hold your horses Hayato." Tsuna cut into the caring rants. "Hai, Juudaime."

"First off, yes, good day to you too. Second, school's fine, I'm doing well with my homework and lack of stress from paperwork at home. I hope you guys did not increase the number. Next, I'm forced to eat by certain people so I'll definitely keep my stomach healthy.

Lastly, I am playing a game with a friend and you've just interrupted my rare moment of peace." Sawada's lips twist into a sadistic smirk. "So if you like, I'll lock all of you up in my office and keep you on my chair to do my never ending paperwork. The song of Dora would play continuously and I have to hear you sing. Thus, if you'll excuse me, I have a game to continue." He hung up, missing the gulping sound from the other side.

He tossed the dice again to jump forward and backward again. Does the number two like him so much? Akashi chuckled and rolled the cube, moving three steps forward from his last position. "You're interesting, Tsunayoshi."

"Am I?"


Tsunayoshi smiled gently and rolled the dice.


"Yes! I win this time!" He exclaimed. Akashi sighed in defeat. This was his second time losing to the brunet and losing is still quite a big blow to him. He grunted in dissatisfaction and demanded a rematch. Tsunayoshi laughed heartily at his attitude, startling the red head.

"What's so funny?" He raised his voice, slightly authoritative.

"Nothing, Akashi-kun. We'll play again next time, okay? There is going to be a lot of interference today. My intuition has been ringing. By the way, someone is coming for you again." Tsuna said.

Akashi lifted his eyebrow again when the door slammed open, exactly like how his acquaintance -I mean friend, predicted. However, it was not just one.

It was a mob of fan girls.

"Akashi-sama! Please teach me how to do my work!"

"Leave him alone, he's mine!"

"Zip it, he has been helping me ever since middle school so I should get top priority!"


Said red head popped a vein inside and glances at his friend, who was trying his best not to laugh. "Tsunayoshi, don't you laugh."

Tsunayoshi stops immediately and nods his head before breaking into inaudible laughter. Akashi tried to glare at no avail.

"I'll get my payback, Tsunayoshi."

"Yes, Mr Akashi." Tsunayoshi laughed in the end.


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