Presidents | Chapter Special #2


Chapter Special #2 | Shinsengumi

"You know, Akashi-cchi," Ryouta began. 

It was a splendid morning that day, the birds were chirping, the sky is blue, everything was perfectly normal like how a day should. The two Rakuzan captains, in their own rights, had a sleepover the day before at the brunet's mansion, discussing heavy topics in regards to the companies that they were about to inherit. After a long night of discussion, they headed for bed at two in the morning -not any later because Reborn came in to "tuck" them in bed. 

As they were having pleasantly sweet dreams, suddenly, a loud ringtone blasted, rudely shaking Seijuuro awake. Tsuna is a heavy sleeper, especially when he is extremely tired–unless his intuition gave him a headache or a warning.

The redhead reached for his phone, looking at the screen with his clouded eyes. He sighed at the caller ID displayed. Silently, he picked up the phone and kept mum, despite the cheerful greetings of the speaker.

"Morning, Akashi-cchi!"


"I guess you're still sleepy and you're trying your best not to curse and swear at me for calling you early in the morning. I have a shoot later so I'm afraid that if I tell this to you at the end of my shoot, I would have long forgotten it."


"Momoi-cchi asked if we could all meet up next week for a friendly basketball match on Saturday. Please give her a reply soon, at the latest, Friday. Next--"

The blond head continued to speak to the sleepy captain, who was barely listening to him at all due to his lethargic state. He nodded his head to each of his requests, not that Ryouta could see it. 

"Oh Yes, I remember what I wanted to share with you now."

So he forgot? Seijuuro thought to himself. 

"I never had much interest in history previously since the teachers bore me out with their dreadful tones. However, this new teacher that I've got for this term turned out to be far more interesting. She linked historical moments to manga and anime alike, such as Napoleon to Levi Ackerman for AOT. Then she told us that we could remember significant things better this way."

Back to the present.

"You know, Akashi-cchi," Ryouta began. Seijuuro somehow dreaded the next thing he was about to say, considering what he was sharing earlier. 

"The teacher was talking about the period before the Meiji Restoration. About Shinsengumi. As there were many films, mangas and animes based on them, I thought to myself, why not link it to the people I know? So I started to write down all of our names on my textbook. Momoi-cchi is much like Yamazaki Susumu, as they both go around collecting information for their teams. Midorima-cchi would be like Yamanami Keisuke, as they are both smart and are vice-captains or commanders. Then we have Aomine-cchi as Okita Souji, who was the ace of the team. I don't know where to place Kuroko-cchi but if he were to be one of the characters, Saito Hajime? Nah, I think Kagami-cchi suits that better. Then I thought to myself, who shall be the commander and vice-commander? I considered really hard, knowing that none of my Kaijo seniors is suitable for these two roles. Then it struck me. Real hard."

"Don't tell me. I resemble the demon vice-commander Hijikata Toushizo..."

"Yes! You're right! Wow, Akashi-cchi, you sound really tired. No wonder you don't want to speak earlier. Anyway, guess who's the head?"

"Kondo Isami... Sawada Tsunayoshi, am I right?"

There was a loud gasp from the other, and Seijuuro resisted the urge to rub his forehead. To think the blond put him as vice... Then again, he is quite the demon, he acknowledged, the only difference was that he does not want anyone to commit Seppuku* just because they strayed from "bushido".**

"You're correct! We're really like the Shinsengumi, aren't we?"

The redhead hanged up. 

Ryouta's POV

"Ah... he hung up," I muttered, now staring at my phone screen in disappointment. Aomine-cchi was sniggering at him across the table while Kuroko-cchi and Momoi-cchi patted on my shoulder in sympathy. Our schools started earlier than Rakuzan, and I have no idea why. 

"Those allocations, Ki-chan, are pretty accurate! Though... Tetsu-kun may not have an allocation at all, he is of another calibre after all."

"Sou desu, Kise-kun. Please don't mind Akashi-kun, you know how he is like when he doesn't have enough sleep."



Back to Seijuuro and Tsunayoshi

He threw his phone on the bed, snuggling back under the blanket on the floor. The brunet president offered his bed to him, but he did not want to impose and argued about it. In the end, both of them slept on the floor, on separate mattresses.

"Who... was it, Akashi -yawn- kun?"

"Kise Ryouta. Now, good night again, I wanna sleep." In two seconds flat, the redhead fell asleep, dead to the world. Tsunayoshi chuckled and got out of bed, slightly amused by the other. 

"Now... what should I make for brunch?"

*Seppuku: An honourable ritual suicide by cutting one's abdomen.
** Bushido: The code of honour and ideals of a samurai? 


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