Presidents | Chapter 1


Chapter 1 | Permission

It was raining.

Pouring, to be exact. Thunders clashed while the wind howled. The droplets of rain beat against the enforced glass, creating an unsynchronised orchestra of sounds.

There was only one person sitting in class, a chessboard in front of him. The table next to him was stacked with many other board games, ready to be played. The one lying on the top was his favourite game. He planned to play it after he finished his chess game.

The sound of wood clicking against each other resonated through the room. Those outside would walk past the classroom as soon as they sighted the bright red hair in the room. This has allowed the redhead to play peacefully.

He loves to play them alone. It helps him strategize and kill his boredom. Everything in his life was successful. His studies were very advanced so he always found classes boring. However, he just listened to refresh his memory.

"Isn't playing alone boring?" A green-haired teen used to ask, so to get a chance to play him in games. Even though he always lost. He remembered replying 'no' all the time. It really was not boring but people started to see him as a creep whenever he does.

The door slides open.


Only the sound of footsteps greeted him. The boy sighed and decides to ignore him. Or her. He can hear the rhythmic breaths from the visitor beside him. He was not making a sound. The boy smirked and continued on moving his bishop.

He heard a hum from the boy. The deep tone of his voice indicates that he is a Male.
A male.

Without moving his head, he glanced towards the side, giving him an outline of his visitor. Long brown hair that stood at their ends, as if defying gravity. His skin is pale, like a certain phantom he knew, just a tad bit tanner. Like him, he was dressed in the school's uniform, just without the bulky jacket. His eyes were pretty wide like a girl's. Overall, he looked like a girl.

"Is it boring to play alone?" The voice asked. The redhead spared no answer for him, finding it unnecessary to answer the question. So the male stayed quiet and observed him.

"Can I join you?" He suddenly spoke after a while, his voice showing slight interest.

The redhead froze for a millisecond. That's a first ever since the start of school. This year was the first year for him after transferring from Tokyo. Even so, he has already established a name for himself in the school. The basketball team recruited him and made him captain as soon as he stepped foot into the gym, tossing him the jersey with the number 4.

Right now, the boy -no, male, in front of him asked if he could play against him. This has, of course, piqued his interest. No one ever wanted to challenge him. No one had tried approaching him for a game. Just one look from him sent many cowering in fear. He's no beast but he was well on top of the chain.

The brunet carried himself confidently, not much fear could be identified from him. He clearly was not shaking in front of his sharp eyes when he asked for permission.

"Why should I?" Was all he asked. He wanted to ask why he asked if he could play him but his pride never allowed him to.

Instead, he saw a smile from the brunet. His doe yet sharp eyes looked at him as if he could see through him. For once, the boy felt a small hint of fear, even though it induced excitement. He saw a fire blazing behind those brown orbs before smirking.

"Because I have good intuition?"

An utterly ridiculous answer but, interesting.

He sticks his hand in front of him, inviting him into the game. The brunet seemed to have caught the message as he gave him a small grin. He pulled out a chair and sat the opposite of him. He gave the redhead eye contact while the other merely looked at the board with interest.

This brunet is indeed interesting. He looked up.

"Akashi Seijuuro. Let's have a good game?"

"You too! Sawada Tsunayoshi, nice to meet you."

A/N: A reader on Wattpad got confused as to when in the story did they introduce themselves to lead to the last two lines. They haven't. Those are their introduction lines. 


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