Presidents | Chapter 3


Chapter 3 | Reminiscence


Today's game is Ludo. 
And Akashi is nailing it well. 
Not that Tsunayoshi is really frustrated about it. He does not really mind about winning or losing. Everyone has their ups and downs at times. 
Akashi rolled the dice, declaring his third piece entering the final title at the centre of the board while Tsunayoshi growled a bit. Then again, today's match will decide who will spill their past first and neither would like to let up. 
And I doubt neither would like to make themselves look dumb either. 
They are the school demons as well as idols in school. Akashi's position of an idol is clearly evident though while Tsunayoshi is like a phantom idol. People admire him but do not know how to show it. Poor Tsunayoshi. They are always chased if not for the frightening aura they both emit. 
Tsunayoshi's third piece finally touched down while Akashi's final piece is already on the go. 
By half.
"Akashi-kun, I give up. It's your win this time." Tsunayoshi put his arms up in surrender, causing Akashi to smirk. 
"I would never lose because I am absolute."
"Yes yes, when you lost to me awhile ago."
"That was unplanned."
"Yes yes, and now my punishment." 
Akashi looked at the brunet in anticipation. Hoping that the story would be good. But little did he know that what he is going to hear would give him a shock.
"You already know my name so I don't have to re-introduce myself right?" The redhead nodded. "I got into this school due to some methods that my family used, which I have no knowledge of and would not like to know.
In my previous school, I'm known as someone useless. Someone that cannot contribute to society with my below-mediocre skills. I even wore in my elementary school essay that I want to become a robot in the future. Someone nicknamed as 'dame-Tsuna'. I'm really no good at everything. I'm bullied by schoolmates and picked by teachers every day. Just because I'm no good. Then my tutor came in, that's when everything changed." He paused and contemplated whether to continue his tale. 
"And that's all I would say, the rest is for you to find out." He gestured with his fingers in a motion of zipping his lips before giggling. 
"Don't worry, I'll definitely find out more about you. My turn." The redhead answered. Akashi's past is not all that fabulous either. It was filled with stress and high expectations from everyone.
"My mother was the only one that comforted me when I felt like giving up. She introduced Basketball to me when I felt stressed up. So when she died, it was as if something was no longer there. My father began to push me more, I have to take the top in everything. 
So when my parents enrolled me into Teiko Middle, I was hoping to be able to relax. However, I was to join a club so I chose the most reputable one in school which is also my favourite. The basketball club. Their motto is 'Ever Victorious' so I joined. I got into the first string as soon as I did a trial and I took up the vice-captain seat almost immediately. I made sure my v team would win every single match.
I'm an Akashi, one of Japan's richest and accomplished companies. I cannot fail and I will never be beaten. I would always be the victor."
"You just got beaten a few days ago in a game of pick-up sticks." Tsunayoshi deadpanned. "By a kid." Akashi's face blushed red. "That was intentional."
"Anyway, I'll win in every event. Even if you're a fellow king, I would never submit to anyone else." He concluded with a straight face, not wanting to back down for pride. 
Tsunayoshi just laughed. 


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