Presidents | Chapter 4


Chapter 4 | Elections

"Tsunayoshi, I thought you're not running for the presidential election?" Akashi asked as he moved the pawn forward. 
"I'm not. Why do you ask?" The brunet replied as he takes away the white piece from Akashi's 'troop'. 
He narrows his eyes at the piece taken away. "But I saw your name on the list. Apparently, you're elected by someone by the name Higarashi Ayame."
Tsunayoshi quirked an eyebrow. "Higarashi Ayame? Higarashi... Higarashi... Ayame... Oh! Ayame-sempai! She used to be from Namimori Middle school. When I came in, she's a year older. Guess she heard my reputation."
Akashi merely mused. 
The rest of the game went silent, none of them wanting to speak during the game.
For one whole week, they did not meet up for any games. Mainly for rallying votes and to gather support. Tsuna had no idea what was going on and approached the senior that nominated him for ideas. The girl was ready to help the uncertain sky to win the elections. 
Instructions of elections spread through the school and the candidates gave fear to the voters. Why? Because two demons were competing and both of them had good leadership qualities. The only thing they couldn't compare was that who was better.
Everyone was given a voting slip and results were soon accumulated. Everyone was given a week to elect who they prefer as the Student council head. Lastly, the results were displayed glaringly on the board. Akashi felt a bit ticked off, he was not taking the top spot like what an Akashi should.
300-Akashi Seijuuro
300-Sawada Tsunayoshi
"A tie ne, Akashi-kun." The two of them stared at the final results. They took up most of the votes but unfortunately, they tied. 
"True. How should we settle it?"
"Mm? Good idea."
Shouts of orders were hollered and people began to shuffle around, preparing the stage of the battle for the two beasts that were sending everyone vibes of high tension. Soon, a chessboard was slapped onto a table in front of them both and they were pushed onto the semi-comfortable cushions. They were still sending each other signals of challenge, chilling everyone to the bone. The electricity sparked off, shocking everyone as well.
"So... Why did you participate in the end? Tsunayoshi?" Akashi asked as he moved a pawn forward.
"Why not? It's interesting." The brunet replied. Akashi quirked an eyebrow and silently moved his bishop by four. 
"What do you plan to achieve by gaining the President seat?" The redhead could not help asking. Tsuna moved his rook and hummed. 
"Maybe, I'll make the school into a better place for studies, entertainment and a place where friends get the learn about each other more. I'll change the school's motto for the better and step up to start better things for a better school. I want to bring joy to everyone in school and I want to care for every individual and that includes you, Akashi-kun. I want to give everyone an equal chance in this school to do something they are great at. Something that will make everyone proud." He said and watched his fingers take away the white rook. His eyes burned amber in front of everyone. 
"I see... When I take the school, I'll make sure everyone does well in school. And even if so, I will win as I'm absolute!" Akashi said as he brought forth his king. 
Wrong move, Seijuuro.
"Are you sure? Akashi-kun. Because... checkmate." Tsuna grinned as he puts his king in front of his friend's. 
Akashi widened his eyes in shock before looking up at the smiling brunet. That smile that was always so comforting. Akashi could not help but soften his glare. "It's your win, Tsunayoshi."
Everyone around them wowed. A plain brunet (which was pretty much a demon as well) just won against the emperor in his favourite game. They had newfound respect for him. 
"Welcome aboard, Tsunayoshi. I hope you'll keep your promise in changing the school." Akashi said as he flashed his heterochromatic eyes as him. "Of course."
Everyone cheered for their new President, pinning high hopes on what he said. After all, his orange eyes said everything. 
He has the resolve to do as he said. 


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