Leave me alone | Chapter 1

Loneliness has never fit well with her but now, she is standing in the middle of a lifeless field. The grass is painted red while the Vongola mansion is in crumbles. The sky is pouring badly, obscuring her vision. Partially her fault, since she was not prepared for the attack but she doubts any other was prepared for it as well. She grits her teeth and clenched her fist, seething in such a way maybe people can smell it. It was her fault, her fault as the right-hand woman of the Vongola Decimo. She is supposed to keep her safe.
She lifted huge pieces of rubble, pushed them aside, only to see a broken body of Yamamoto. This, she can tolerate. Moving on, she saw her little brother figure. Lambo's arms were covering a few people but the impact was so big, neither survived. Here, she is cussing inwards already. She saw Hibari, Chrome and Mukuro on the other side, surrounded by many corpses, too much for three to handle. They must have been overwhelmed but their faces showed smiles of pride. Tears started to cascade down her eyes. The Varia that stood tall had fallen at the far end, near the forested area. The Vongola's allies are all gone, trying to protect their friends. She slammed her fist against her thigh. 
What was the Vongola there for, if a vigilant group cannot protect its people? 
Suddenly, she heard a groan nearby. Quickening her pained steps, she stopped in front of the sun guardian, who was trying to protect Kyoko and Hana. However, the two girl's eyes were dull and dead.
"Goku...dera..." He whispered. Gokudera rushed over with her yellow flame lit up on her ring. "Hush, don't talk. I'm going to heal you right now cause if I don't, I'm sure Hime-sama will kill me." She hover her hand over the deep wound in the boxer's chest but she was pushed away. She looked at him, shocked at his actions. Tears brimmed in his eyes as he spoke. "It's too late for me. Live on, move forward to the extreme." He tried to add vigour into his voice to cheer her up, though it has the opposite effect. Her shoulders are shaking in fear and loud sobs escaped from her lips. Ryohei has always been an older brother figure to her, even though they often fougt with their lung power. A rough finger wiped away a tear on her face. "Go look for Tsuna. I'm sure she's around here somewhere, near the mansion." Gokudera received the hidden message in between his words. Go on, be safe. She bit her lips and ran. "I'll come back for you, Onii-san!" Ryohei smiled and breathed his last.
Scouring high and low, careful about stepping on anything in case her precious person is underneath. She clutched onto the red fedora with a silver ribbon that her boss gave to her on her fifteenth birthday. She could still remember what she said when she passed her the box. Throw this gift when I die. Okay? It shall be my symbol of eternal friendship to you! "Hime-sama, I don't want to throw your gift yet. Please let me find you!"
The air then turned misty cold as she shivered slightly at the sudden peak of aura. It is recognisable and she no longer mind it one bit when others still cower at their name. "Vindice... Heh, it's nice to see you..." Her knees buckled underneath her weight due to lethargy. Jagger swiftly catches the girl bridal-style and lifts her up. The infant perched oh his shoulder hops gently onto the silverette. "Rest now. We'll send you to the past to prevent this from happening. Would that be fine with you?" She knows the consequences of this action. She'll affect the past and never return to the future. However, the future would be in safer hands after the change. Her princess will approve of this if it is to bring peace once more. Gokudera nods her head and shuts her eyes, too tired to notice anything around her.
"Check this place for more survivors, especially for Decimo. Bring her to the past if you do." She heard Bermuda said. She smiled in her sleep and allowed the cold, now warm hands to carry her to the past, tightening her hold on her beloved fedora.
-In the past, 150 years ago-
The mansion is as loud as usual. G is screaming his head off for his lazy boss to do his work. Giotto had tons and he knows but this does not mean that the blond can slack off. Lampo slammed his bedroom door behind him as the two best friends dash across the corridor. "Can't I get some precious sleep?" He mumbled. Daemon has went off to do some mission and would not be back until later. Knuckle is enjoying tea in the tearoom with Asari as they tried to ignore the daily loud cat and mouse chase between the boss and his right-hand man. Well, Alaude being Alaude, could not tolerate the nuisance any longer as he decides to take out his handcuffs. "I'll arrest you for making so much noise, disrupting the peace in this tiny mansion." He announced as he snaps his cuffs forward.
Giotto shrieked as the special enforced metal cut his cheek. "Spare me, Alaude!" He begged to no avail. Alaude grunted in disagreement. He just wants to have a peaceful morning in his room but No! The boss and his right hand man have to make a ruckus in the broad daylight.
Giotto then halt in his run, causing G to bang into him and Alaude's cuffs to catch him. G picks himself up and rubs the back of his head. "Next time you stop, TELL ME SO THAT I'LL STOP CHASING!" However, Giotto was too caught up in rubbing his temples, asking him to run away as fast as he can. Noticing it, G asked. "Is your intuition acting up?" To show his agreement, Giotto rubbed his temples harder. Alaude immediately spun around on his heel and trudged away. When his boss' intuition acts up, the oncoming event is never good. Better run now than get trapped in whatever that will happen later.
Lucky he turned, or he'll be standing rooted to the groud like a deer caught in the oncoming headlights. It was when Giotto's head stop throbbing, everything went haywire. A black portal opened behind the skylark and figures walked out of it. They were dressed in pitch black, bandages covering them from head to toe, a black top hat to finish the look. It was really creepy especially when there is a baby in a similar attire on the shoulder of the figure in the centre. The two friends froze there, unable to avert their gaze somewhere else. The air was pressurising. Giotto swiftly entered his hyper dying will mode and lit up his gloves while G flashed his guns. The cold voice of the infant spoke.
"Giotto and G of the Vongola, please lower your weapons. We're not here to fight." Keeping their guards up, they lowered their arms slightly, their brows creasing in discomfort. Who would not, it is the Vindice, the law enforcers of the underground world. Behind the bandages, Bermuda smiled. It is never good to let your guard down even if the one standing before you is from a neutral party. "What brings you here, Vindice?"
"We would like you to take care of her." He went straight to the point. The red head cocked an eyebrow. "Her?" They turned to look at the figure in Jager's arms. Her long flowing silver hair stained with blood, not knowing whether it is hers or her enemy's. Deep cuts and bruises covered her body despite the overused amount of white bandages. Blood still seeped through the white cloth as a frown of discomfort marred her face. They grew alarmed. "What happened to her?"
"She," Bermuda closes his eyes to think through his words. "Is the right-hand woman of her boss of her family. Her family was recently wiped out and we're still trying to find any more surviving members. However, so far, there were no results under the huge number of debris." G stared at the girl. She looked like 18 and she is a right hand woman? "So please take care of her."
Giotto is puzzled. Why would the Vindice help her? "Don't you dare harm her. Right now, she is the last of our only ally." G coughed loudly. "When did the Vindice ally with other families?"
"Please keep your comments to yourself, Storm guardian of the Vongola." Jager then pushed the girl into G's arms, causing the later to freak out a bit (He is not comfortable in handling women due to the disasters during Valentine's Day but that's another story to tell). Bermuda quickly brushes away the long fringe of Gokudera's and lightly pecked her forehead, causing her frowns to ease slightly. "Be safe and strong, Hayano." He whispered as he gestured to leave.
Giotto started to bark orders after they left. It's a life and death situation here and the girl needs to receive immediate treatment. "G, go to the infirmary. I'm going to find Knuckle. In the mean time, redress her wounds." G carried an odd looking face before heading down to his destination, blowing past the maids and butlers cleaning the place. He entered the room loudly, nearly slamming down the door in the process. Knuckle rushed in the next second and gave a quick check. "Other than the deep cut at her abdomen, she has a few broken bones and 2 broken ribs. Other wounds such as gashes and cuts are found on her arms and legs. There are also scars and burn marks here and there. Where did you pick her up from?"
Giotto frowned. "Vindice handed her to us and wants us to take care of her. They said that her family was recently wiped out. Must be a war to be in this state."
"A girl in the Mafia?" The priest asked loudly. G snorted, "yes. Though it is strange for a girl to be in Mafia because women thinks that the Mafia is too dangerous." He snatched a worried glance at Gokudera. What is a girl doing in the mafia, moreover with the Vindice? He could not help but keep thinking about it. Knuckle just nods, not wanting to pry further. His hands then moved to brush them out of the room. "She requires immediate treatment so start moving. Now go!" Giotto and G protested slightly and looked dead into the priest's eyes. Knuckle was glaring at them. They quickly ran for the door and closes it shut behind them. That Knuckle was scary!
Giotto then looked at G and smirked. "By the way, is it true that if I ask you to stop chasing me, you'll stop?"
Knuckle exits the room and pants slightly. He could have exhaust too much flames to heal this girl. He looks up and saw all the other guardians waiting. Giotto rushed over the first. "How's the girl?" Knuckle's gave him a thumbs up. G sighed in relief, letting a smile crawl up his face. Somehow, for no reason, he felt attached to her. His lips then blurt out something he thought he would never say. "Can I see her?" The guardians stared at him, their mouth open and close like fishes. Knuckle shook out of his shock and curtly nods his head. "Of course, G."
With silent movements, he opened the door and peeped in. He quietly shuts the door behind him, grabbed a chair and sat down beside the bed. The girl's minor wounds have closed and her bandages are tightly wrapped. Her frown is still on her face, barely noticeable. Her fingers wrapped around her red hat, refusing to let go. Suddenly, the grip tightens and her lips parted, as if panting.
"Juu... Daime... Hi...me..." Her hoarse voice said. His ears perked up at the call. Juudaime means tenth and Hime means princess in Japanese. She's a Japanese? But she looked like an Italian! He ruffled his hair madly, pulling out a few strands in the mean time. He calms down a while later. Not knowing what to do, he shifts a few strands of her silver hair out of her face and stares down. He could not describe her face well, just a word, beautiful. Wonder how she look like with her eyes open. He sighs and leans over. "Wake up soon, whoever you are."
He walks towards the dining room, completely forgetting the time. When he opens the mahogany doors, everyone looked at him with a slightly glint of evil in their eyes. Giotto ushered G to his seat to avoid the stating contest that is occurring within his guardians. Food was served at the table as soon as the right hand man arrived. The clanging of utensils echoed through the room, too quiet for Giotto's taste. Usually a food fight or a verbal contest will occur, it is silent today. He decides to speak. "What do you think of her, G?"
G spits his food out immediately and stares blankly at the blond. What is he thinking when he asked this question. G coughs into his fist and talked. "She may be Japanese..." This attracted Asari's attention. It is rare to see a Japanese on foreign land, he would definitely be happy if he meets someone who knew Japanese. "She spoke in her sleep, muttering Juudaime and Hime. They must be precious to her. I could only get that much from her." He cuts his steak and pops one portion into his mouth. Giotto pats his shoulder, assuring him that he had done well. Alaude was contemplating whether to do a background research on her, his fingers drumming the table ever so impatiently. "You won't get any information out of her, Alaude. No using your cuffs." The skylark grunts and hides his weapons.
G licked up the last of his food and abruptly stood up, shocking Lampo out of his sleep. "Thank you for the meal, it was wonderful." He directed to the maids and stepped out. The teenager scratched his chin. "What's wrong with Pinky?"
"He may have gotten interested at the girl. After all, the Vindice did say that she was the right hand woman of her family before they got wiped out." His boss calmly replies. All the guardians widen their eyes. "She may be the last of their ally." He finished.
"How can someone or some family make an alliance with those law enforcers? They are beyond crazy!" Lampo shrieks. The rest nod their heads in agreement. Giotto merely shrugged, no knowing how the girl got them to be allied as well. They have gotten interested as well until they heard a scream. Giotto's intuition immediately spoke, "let's go to the infirmary!" They started their run, catching up to G who was heading for the scream as well.
When they arrive, they saw the very same girl struggling in her bed, opening a few of the wounds she already had. They watched in shock as different flames spew out of the rings on her fingers. "Knuckle, heal her wounds! Asari, try to calm her." The two said men went into action immediately, trying to hold down the trashing girl. Lampo covered his ears as painful cries escaped from the girl's mouth, it pains to watch this. Alaude simply closed his eyes and lowers his head, as if pitying the girl. After a while, she laid limp on the bed, her eyes dulled in colour.
"Why bother?" She asked.
"Is there a reason needed to save someone?" G answers with a question.
"You should just let me be. I'm better off dead because no one would care for me, a bastard's child, except for hime. But she's gone." She sobs. G looks at Giotto, his eyes pleading to know what to do but the blond gave no reply. His arms moved on their own, pulling the girl into a hug. "I'm sure Bermuda will say this too but live for the sake of your princess. They are still looking for survivors and she may be one of them." Her sobs turned into whimpers. G then let go of his grip and pat the girl on her head.
"Your name?"
"Gokudera Hayano, 18. Before you ask about my heritage, I'm one quarter Japanese, three quarter Italian." She answers. She's really eighteen! They thought at the same time. "Can all of you please leave? I would like to sleep more and maybe cry a little more." She murmured the last bit, only allowing G to hear it. The red head stood up quietly and left, leaving the others stunned. They watched the girl clench harder on the fedora and blanket, signalling them to leave. They hurriedly leave and left the door ajar.
Gokudera smiled at the door. "I never knew Primo's family is that sensitive to girls? I thought they got mobbed by girls on every Valentine's?" She chuckled slightly before tears leaked from her eyes. Happy memories ran through her head. Hibari's tonfas with his face itching for a fight, Yakyuu-baka's grin before every fight. Onii-san's extreme cheers, Rokudo Mukuro's creepy laughter. Chrome's shy smile and Stupid cow's loud whines. Lastly, a bright brunette smiling at her, reassuring her that everything is all right. She tasted the salty tears before rubbing them away. Shit, weaknesses cannot be shown in the Mafia. However, she bit her lips and held in her sobs. It hurts.
"Hime... Help me..." She cried.
-At the ruins of the Vongola mansion, Future-
"Bermuda-sama! I've found Decimo!" One of the members shouted to the infant. Bermuda immediately floated over to the member and looked down at the debris. A girl with caramel hair reaching the middle of her back laid there. Her clothes are torn here and there, covered in blood. Her fists, noted to be clenched in a semblance of prayer during a fight, was covered in her battered white mittens, etched with the number '27'. Her eyes are closed, her face slightly peaceful, slightly angered, slightly frowning. Yes, definitely Decimo. He reached down to touch her neck, heaving a sigh of relief to find pulse.
"She's alive. Take her to the HQ for now." The member lifted her up and opened a portal, walking in quickly. The girl opened her eyes minutely and muttered, "Ber...muda," before fainting again. "She's really the last survivor as predicted, Tsunahime Sawada." Bermuda whispers as he disappears into a portal, following the Vongola Boss.


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