Yukuefumei no Oozora | Chapter 1

"Encore! Encore! Encore!" The crowd screamed, the atmosphere filled with high tension and the booming sound from the speakers. The six figures stood on stage with bright grins on their faces, sweat decorating their forehead, showing the effort that they have put in. Confetti rained down as the group thanked their friends and supporters for coming down. 
A brunet stood at the furthest seat, his eyes glinting in excitement after watching the whole breathtaking spectacle. As much as he wants to continue soaking himself in this festive-like atmosphere, he needs to go back home already. After all, it is really late. 
In a jiffy, he left the place and headed for the bread shop near his place. He kept humming the finale over and over again in his head, replaying the dance again and again as he walked, turning completely oblivious to his surroundings. The tune was, undoubtedly, addicting. He quickly bought all the supper that could cover the whole week from a nearby 24-Hr bakery and left.
Suddenly, his intuition spiked, screaming at him to move faster. At the rate he was going, people may think of him as a human turtle, trying to cross the road. The real deal struck him as the blaring horns sounded, blasting into his ears like a warning. He snapped his head up and turned to its origins, his pupils constricting in horror. 
His feet went numb and colour drained from his face. The looming shadow of a truck barrelled towards him. His intuition continued to scream at him, yet he found no strength to move away. Alas, an ear-splitting screech of the car tires resounded, the smell of burnt rubber and iron filled the air. He sprawled out on the ground like a rag doll, his eyes shut, knocked out. The bag of supper lying on the floor like trash. The truck did not stop and continued to drive as if it was an assassination attempt. The last thing he registered was the panicked voices of someone familiar before his consciousness fades away. 
A group of teenagers filed out from the back of the stadium, trying to keep their cover masked as well as possible. The night was chilly but the view, even from the ground, looked breathtaking. The billboards were still lit up and there was a mix of the '60s to the present. The skyscrapers and glass buildings towered over but they did not look frightening at all.
Despite the time being very late, the place still bustled. The night market stands were still open and the store owners were selling their fresh products. Their eyes glazed over the tasty food, watering ever so slightly. An ice-cream stand then appeared, drawing the blue-haired male in the group, in. 
"Wah... 'Tis delicious! Miku, thanks for paying for it!" He grinned, licking the cold dessert like a child. The teal haired girl gave him a thumbs up, nodding her head, "no problem, Kaito!"
They roamed the whole place and bought whatever they want. There was something they realised about this place while they shopped. Security is extremely tight, especially about how they decided to keep the money. Whatever money earned was placed in a box labelled by a certain company and there was a code to open it. The group was amused. 
"I didn't know that Namimori is such a paranoid." A blond commented, recalling an instance of watching the lady return his change. 
"I wouldn't say it's wrong to be a paranoid, Len, but I agree that what we saw earlier is slightly too meticulous. Isn't that right, Rin?" A pink-haired female said. "Rin" nodded slightly. 
Miku decided to cut in to change the topic. "We're here to enjoy, not to discuss how this place functions. Now, let's head home, alright? Luka, grab Meiko and let's leave!" Her face reflected eagerness, unsure whether is it because of excitement or because she wanted to leave real bad. All of them merely shook their heads and sighed. 
As soon as Luka got the brunette lady up and moving, they started to head back to a hotel. 
On their way back, they suddenly heard a loud screech and a sound of a collision. Surprised, all of them headed to the scene with their eyes wide. A brunet boy laid sprawled on the ground, a pool of crimson blood beneath him. There were no vehicles in sight, except for the clear drift marks on the road and the little drops of oil that followed. A little girl, who saw what happened, shrieked in horror. People started to gather at the scene. 
Without wasting another second, they ran over to the scene and tried their best to shoo the many onlookers. Kaito placed his index finger under the brunet's nose then pressed his ear against his chest. Feeling a faint pulse, he managed a small smile. Immediately, he took charge. "Miku, stop moping and call the ambulance and the police. Luka, Meiko, help me move him to the side." Everyone began to do what they were told, except for two.
Rin and Len asked in unison, "Then what do we do?" The blue head pondered for a moment.
"Just eat your bananas!" Kaito declared, not sure what to let them do. He sighed as he watched the twins buy a chocolate banana, eating at the table with a visible sulk. 
Miku came running back. "They, the ambulance, would be arriving in five minutes." Kaito nodded his head. 
Five minutes passed and the ambulance arrived. The paramedics went to work immediately after seeing the "patient" and soon wheeled him away from the site. The police soon arrived afterwards and took their statements. Unfortunately, they could not produce any information on the culprit. 
Miku chewed her fingernails in anxiety. "Do you think that boy'll survive?" She asked. Luka ruffled her hair and started to lead her away from the place. "I'm sure he is, we'll visit him tomorrow if that'll calm you down."
The teal head made a tiny beam before nodding her head in agreement. "Okay!"
He could not move. His body felt a stinging sensation as if stung by a thousand needles. His head throbbed in pain as he stared into darkness. Where am I? He thoughts. Just then, he could hear someone talking to him. 
"My name's Mikuwhat's yours? Wait, I don't think you can hear me, oh well." The voice said. Immediately, he felt his mouth move and reply to her, much to her surprise. "Tsu-na." 
Slowly, his eyes fluttered open and he saw white. The smell of medicine wafted into his nose and he cringed at the heavy smell of alcohol. A teal haired girl with twin tails peered into his sight with a bright smile. "Great! You're awake! I'm gonna get the doctor!" 
Even if he would like to protest, his body was too tired to do anything. He stared at the door with worry marred on his face. Tsuna, my name is Tsuna. I'm sixteen this year and... H-Huh? I-I don't remember anything else! Panic rushed over him, ignoring the doctor and nurses that had swarmed into his room, checking on his status. Everything happened so quickly, Miku thought she was about to spin.
"Boy, do you know your name?" A nurse asked. He stared at her dumbfounded. "Tsu... Na, I think." She looked at him, baffled by his answer and then whispers something into the doctor's ear. 
Next, the doctors ask. "When is your birthday, Tsuna?" Said boy continued to stare at him as if he was in a trance. "October... A-Ah, I can't remember!"
"Then what about your age?"
"Tell me more about yourself, then." 
The brunet sat in silence, his head hung low. His fingers never stopped twitching in nervousness. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I couldn't give you an answer," he stammered. He pressed his lips into a straight line and tightened his grip on the blanket. The doctor scribbled something onto his clipboard pad and nods affirmatively. He then faced the girl and gestured for her to follow.
"So doctor, what's wrong?" Miku asked, curious about the awkward display of the professionals. The doctor looked at her and adjusted his glasses. 
"Are you part of his family?" She shook her head, "but I'm planning to take him in to care for him for the time being, if he doesn't recall his residential area." He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. 
"Nevermind. Anyways, he's suffering from amnesia. I don't know whether it is temporary or permanent thus it would be best for his family to help him. But since we have no idea about his background, I'm afraid you would have to help him in some way." He said. Miku looked at him with interest. Her right hand balled into a tight, determined fist and she glanced up. "I'll certainly try."
As soon as the doctor and nurses left the room, she walked back in with a sweet smile. She pulled out a chair and sat next to the brunet boy. The other does not seem interested in starting any conversation, opting to shut his eyes and have a thoughtful look on his face. Unable to stand the silence, she began.
"So... Tsuna's your name, right? What's your surname?"
"I don't know."
"When's your birthday?" 
"I don't know."
"Favourite food?"
"I don't know."
"Drink?" He shrugged. 
"Then what about my name?"
"How am I supposed to know? You didn't even introduce yourself!" She gave him a sheepish grin as his sentence settled into her mind. "Right..." 
She coughed into her hand and started again. "Okay. So let's start properly, shall we?" A nod. "My name is Miku-"
"Hatsune Miku, am I right?" He interrupted, facing a face full of surprise as well as confusion. She started to stammer in shock, "b-but I thought-"
"It's just a gut feeling." He waved it off before his eyes narrowed. "Someone's coming." Miku tilted her head and cocked an eyebrow. As if on cue, the door banged open and in tumbled two identical looking people and three mature looking adults, or teens. However, they all halted in place when they realised two pairs of eyes staring down at them. 
Miku started at Tsuna in amazement. How did he- did he predict this? She thought as she watched the taller male pick up the two on the floor and dust their clothes. "You're fine! Ah, Miku has been worried since yesterday!"
"Don't mind me asking, but who're you?" Tsuna asked, confused about what is going on. All of them froze. Miku stood up and offered to introduce them. 
"Everyone, this is Tsuna. Tsuna, these are my best friends. Kaito, Meiko, Rin, Len and lastly, Luka!" All of them greeted him respectively. The brunet dipped his head in acknowledgement, registering their faces in his mind. Somehow, they looked eerily familiar.
"Don't mind me asking again but... Have we met before? You people look extremely familiar." He asked. They stared at each other before shrugging their shoulders. "I've only seen you when you got knocked down-"
"I got WHAT?!" He exclaimed, unable to believe it. Suddenly, a migraine swept over and his hand flew towards his forehead, trying to relieve the pain. He squeezed his eyes shut.
The sound of a honking truck. Pain. Pain. A loud cry.
He snapped them open in three seconds flat. He stared at the white sheets laid on him before shifting to look at his bandaged arms. The group looked at him, worried. 
Just then, a pair of hands landed on his shoulders, squeezing them slightly as if trying to grab his attention to calm him down. The next moment, he was pulled into a hug. A really tight hug.
"It's alright. Take your time to remember things. We'll try to help you in whatever way we can. M'kay?" A soothing voice whispered into his ears. Tsuna smiled and wrapped his arms around her, caressing her long teal hair in the meantime. "Okay."
5 months later
"So there's still no news about where the boss is? That's ridiculous!" A silver head burst out, grabbing his hair in frustration. A toddler with a fedora slammed his feet on his head, earning a yelp from the other. 
"Now now, I'm sure Tsuna is still out there somewhere. Maybe someone is taking care of him outside Namimori." A raven head suggested, ignoring the glare that was sent in his direction. "Besides, Hibari-san might have found some hints regarding his whereabouts anytime soon. Speak of the devil, here he comes!" He waved enthusiastically. 
Said man strutted over elegantly with a brown folder tucked under his arms. His face reflected irritation and he clicked his tongue at the crowd in front of him. Hey, three is a crowd for him even if the omnivore said that three is not really much.
With accuracy, he tossed the folder to the baseball Herbivore and left, not missing the excited exclamation by the same person. 
"No way! You found a lead? Thanks, Hibari!" He merely grunted in reply. 
He opens the folder and pulled the papers out of it, his eyes widening the overloading number of information placed before his eyes. The toddler pulled on his jeans. "What is written there, Yamamoto?" Even though he has a rough idea of what was written. The other crouched down to his level and shared 
"These... Are the images of Tsuna! A-and the vague description of where he would be." Yamamoto's eyes scanned through the documents and flipped each page very carefully. The toddler absorbed all the information like a sponge, until he came across a certain word. 
"He has amnesia?!"


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