Yukuefumei no Oozora | Chapter 2

All of them sat at the long rosemary table, the head of the table being empty. Their hands and minds were kept busy. Reborn drummed his fingers impatiently on the table, waiting for the group in front of him to finish reading the juicy content in front of their eyes. 
"You done yet?" Reborn grunted. They shook their heads, some loudly declaring that they were not done. He groaned and leaned on his palm, nearly exploding because the wait was too long. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up abruptly, shocking all of them. 
"Forget it! I'm gonna brief you through this briskly and then you're on your own!"
"No arguments! Tsuna is last seen in Tokyo, at a concert called 'Vocaloid'. It's a band as well, from what I heard. Tsuna could be following them because they found him and took him in. He has amnesia and doesn't recall much. Questions?"
"Everyone should contact and update each other about their status. We'll contact through our personal networks. I believe that the Tenth would remember something about us once he sees us. So... When do we begin?" Gokudera asked, his fingers itching and his feet thumping against the floor as adrenaline rushed through his veins. An eager smile spread across their faces. Reborn smirked his widest and held out a sleek, metallic pistol. 
"Right now." 
Tsuna stood at a blind angle of the audience, tapping and swaying slightly to the beat of the moderate rhythm. His auburn hair fluttered with the breeze, the rustling of his clothes, showing the intensity of the wind that cooled them down. However, because of the spotlights around them, they still began to sweat. 
The twins next to him sang their older sister's song and danced around like little children. The older ones around them could not help but smile at their bubbly aura before they went back cheering for their teal hair member on stage. Miku's personal intermission break is approaching fast. She did have a lot of songs to sing after all.
As much as he would like to continue listening, he needed to start arranging them according to their line-ups, making sure that they know what they were going to perform and that they would not miss a note. Their musicians are doing a fabulous job. 
"Luka-san, you're up next!" He hollered, making sure that the said lady had finished her preparations and is ready to hit the stage.
Luka sashayed over, letting the fabric do their job of entrancing the male population. The gold trims shimmered even under the dim lights. Kaito and Len's jaw dropped while Rin cooed over her. The pink head sighed and shook her head in disappointment at the boys' reaction. 
Just then, a brunette lady latched her arm over the blue head's shoulder, playfully slapping him on the cheek. "Kaito, stop being immature and set a good example to Len, would you? Plus, don't drool all over here. It's disgusting." 
Kaito laughed slightly and dipped his head in understanding. Len blushed and lowered his head, hiding his face behind his palms. Meiko chuckled at the two before sauntering over to Luka, her eyes roaming from head to toe. After a minute, she grinned and gave her a hard smack on the back as an encouragement. "Do your best, Luka!"
The latter rubbed her sore back, yelping, "did you drink?" Meiko did not reply. Instead, she simply waved her hand and disappeared behind the curtains, most probably to practice since her performance is still quite a while; leaving a Luka with hair standing at its ends. "She drank. Oh, I'm so going to get her!" She was about to stomp over to give the brunette a piece of her mind when Tsuna quickly dropped his clipboard, trying his best to cool the performer down. 
The next moment, a wave of applause came and Luka took it as a cue and began to walk up the stage. Miku finished waving her hands to the crowd, giving them fly-kisses before running backstage. Perspiration trickled down her face and her shirt stuck to her back like a second skin. Rin offered the female a cooling towel and her bottle of water (spring onion juice is plain weird). 
"Well done, for now, Miku-chan!" Tsuna said, giving her the brightest grin he could muster at the moment. She returned his gesture and gave him a thumbs up. 
Suddenly, his gut acted up. It rarely occurs but when it did, it was never good. He froze in place, drawing attention from nearly all the Vocaloid members. Rin jumped over, waving her hand in front of him to snap him out of his stupor. "Tsuna? Tsuna-nii! Are you alright?"
He bit his lip before replying, "yes. Yes, I am." She does not look convinced though. A second after, there is a commotion going on outside their door. Tsuna tightened his grip in nervousness. 
Kaito strutted towards the door and peered outside. Two males in prim Armani suits stood tall and confident, holding up a VIP card that seemed so recognizable to them. One had cropped white hair while the other had messily neat raven hair with a dark blue sheen, the latter busy communicating into a Bluetooth device. The blue head opens the door minutely and slipped himself out. "Do you need anything of assistance, sirs?"
The albino head reached for his shirt pocket and took out a photograph, flashing it to Kaito. He widened his eyes in shock. "My name is Sasagawa Ryohei and have you seen him?" In the picture was a strikingly familiar male, with the same fluffy brown hair; except in an extremely expensive white suit with a white cape draped over his shoulders. 
Kaito rubbed his eyes. He could not believe it. Someone who a connection to Tsuna has shown up, right at the backstage even. Ryohei lifted an eyebrow, "please reply to the extreme!" 
Kaito could not help but squeak at the male's volume. 
He pinched himself, acknowledging the fact. He then looked up at the male, surprised to see sparkling eyes and a new, excited tone. "We found a lead!" The raven head exclaimed. 
"Can you show us to him please?" The other spoke up, his hands rubbing together in glee. Kaito gulped and pardoned himself. "A moment please."
He rushed back in and slammed the door behind before striding over to Tsuna, planting his hands on the brunet's shoulder, feeling him jolt up in the meantime. "Kaito-san! What is it?"
"Two people outside are looking for you. They seem excited when I said that I recognize you. Maybe, they are your friends before you've lost your memories." He ranted but Tsuna was able to catch every word he spelt. 
The brunet furrowed his eyebrows before asking, "have you asked for their names?"
"The one with white hair is Sasagawa Ryohei. I don't know the other." 
Something clicked in him and slowly, he walked to the door. Len pointed at him and tilted his head to the side, glancing at Kaito with a silent indication. The latter shrugged. Rin puffed her cheeks while Miku just stared. 
Tsuna shut the door and turned to the two "strangers" that stood before him. He pursed his lips and deepened his frown. He does not recognize the two who were beaming down at him. Coldly, he asked. "Who are you?" 
For a moment, he saw their smile tip down, showing disappointment and sadness. He found their actions amusing. They took a deep breath and smiled once more. "We're from the Vongola."
"I'm Yamamoto Takeshi-"
"And I'm Sasagawa Ryohei to the extreme! It's extremely nice to meet you again, Sawada!" 
Sawada. Tsuna repeated the name in his head. It sounded so familiar, so... Homely. While it seemed frightening to him as well, he liked that name. Just then, something surfaced from the back of his mind. A picture of a brunette lady that looked like Meiko appeared with a gentle, familial smile. 
"Tsu-kun? Ara, okaeri~" Mama!
A flicker of recognition flashed across his eyes, caught by the two youths. Ryohei nodded to Takeshi and the latter took out a gun. That moment, Tsuna gawked at the object, backing slowly away while pointing an accusing finger at it. He started to stammer in fright.
Takeshi sighed. Him cocking a gun should have been a common sight for the brunet. He should not be flinching like this, especially when his tutor spent his everyday firing at him for every tiny reason. Even for having an improper walking posture. 
"Takeshi, Ryohei, may I have a word with you?"
"What is it, Reborn?" Said man flashed out a yellow bullet with a different symbol labelled on it.
Both of them lowered their heads to cover their eyes. They do not want to watch themselves do such a thing. Praying for the bullet to work, they mumbled an apology to the cowering male and fired.
Inside, the members grit their teeth, tension building inside. They have no idea what was going on to Tsuna and anxiety gripped them. Lukas was about to finish her part and they still have no idea who is next. There is no way Miku is heading back there so quickly. 
Boredom took over the twins and they rushed up to their older brother figure, pulling on his sleeves or his unique customized muffler to draw his attention. "Hey! Don't tuck on my precious!"
"When is Tsuna coming back? We're bored and we don't know the line-up!" They asked in unison for added effect. Kaito rubbed his temples, pried them both off his clothes and went to do what common sense told him to. 
He picked up the clipboard left near the door when Tsuna headed out and ran his finger down the list. The words and numbers overwhelmed him and he starts questioning. How can Tsuna do this so easily? When he saw the next name after Luka's, he grinned. 
"The next is Meiko-" BANG!
All of them jolted upright, startled by the loud sound. However, it is not the sound of the door when is slammed open. It was a real gunshot. They froze in place, fear creeping to them. "What... Was that?"
Kaito calmed down first, "I'll go check on Tsuna!" He shouted. "Someone get Meiko ready please!" Rin, too scared to find out what had happened, went to inform said woman while Miku leapt next to Kaito, anxious about her surrogate brother. 
With shaking hands, the blue head opened the door and scanned the outside. Miku followed silently, mimicking his movements. Their eyes swept through what they could and gasped in horror. They knew that they should have followed him instead of letting him go and meet those two of his own. Now their stomach twisted in an uncomfortable manner, unable to make out a word until Kaito started. 
"W-what's going on?" His eyes were glued to the blood collecting near his feet, trailing to where they came from. Tsuna laid on the floor, lifeless and a what seemed like a hole from a bullet at the centre of his forehead. The raven head had a gun in his grasp while the albino head's eyes squeezed shut. None of them uttered a word to the civilian in front of them. Not a word to the innocents. 
Rage boiled within Kaito and he trudged up to the two of them and grabbed their collars forcefully. Miku's hand reached out, trying to stop him to wrangling them. "Kaito, don't!"
"You killed him! You freaking murdered a man at an idol's concert! You freaking killed my friend and my brother! What the heck is going through your thick skull?!" He screamed. None of them spoke up, instead, they turned to look at the corpse lying on the floor. Miku followed their glance and widened her eyes in surprise. She grabbed Kaito's wrist and shook it lightly. 
At first, Kaito shrugged off Miku's contact, hoping that she would stop in a few moments. Yet, that "few moments" did not come. Instead, he saw the shocked look on their faces and finally decides to turn around with slight annoyance. "What is it- No way!" 
There was a sparkling yellow glow surrounding the bullet wound and a bloodied silver object was slowly pushed out from it. Kaito's grip slowly loosened from their collars and he rushed over to the brunet's side; worried sick because he does not know what was going on. 
On the other hand, there two guardians were mentally jumping for joy. Ecstatic, elated, any word related to extremely happy. However, they still have no idea whether it would truly work; but when the bullet is slowly repelled, they could tell that it was a sign of success. Now they got to wait and see. 
Soon, the whole bullet was pushed out, cluttering onto the floor. The clear "cling" sound reverberated through the alley. They halt their movements and held their breaths, anticipating the next move. 
There was a pregnant silence. Even Luka intruding was not much of a disturbance. The pink head gasped quietly when she saw Tsuna on the floor, blood surrounding him and a bullet laid by the side of his head. Rin and Len were curious about what was going on but she pushed them back in, heading in herself so that the twins would not know what had happened. 
Minutes seemed like hours before a groan escaped from Tsuna's lips. His dull eyes came to life again, etched with confusion currently as he clutched his head. Memories flooded his brain as he squinted at his feet. 
"Wha- Where am I?" 
He looked up and saw four familiar faces staring down at him. The two in suits had an anticipating look while the other two in costumes looked plain surprised. "Takeshi, Onii-san, Kaito, Miku-chan, why are you staring at me like that?" 
In a flash, he was enveloped in a bear-like hug and the former two were exclaiming into the earpiece about something being successful. 
Miku was nearly crying while Kaito made no reserves and cried his own river, repeating over and over, "you're back!" They were soon joined by the other two as he shifted his arms to wrap around all of them. 
"I'm back," he finally whispered with a sparkling grin.


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