Presidents | Chapter 30


Chapter 30 | Returned

He sat in the room all alone, manoeuvring his chess pieces on the board like how he did before that coaster ride with his best friend. His mind is completely clear, void of anything that will stress him.

Today is graduation day, a year after that brunet left the school for his family matters at home. He is this year's valedictorian, delivering a speech about his experience and his gratefulness to the teachers and his peers. Everyone threw their graduation hats, celebrating the end of their journey in their highschool. Seijuuro had been much more easygoing in the past year, and he smiled at the jovial atmosphere of the place.

His leg was propped up in his own seat, sitting slightly like a rebelling teen. He leaned over the desk as he decides his next move against his imaginary opponent. He barely spared a glance towards his toga, which laid nicely on the chair next to him. His certificate left askew on the very same chair, his hat barely hanging on the edge of the backing. 

Move the gold king behind the knight...

Unlike their first meeting, there is no rain pelting against his windows. There is no howling wind that goes together with the crashing thunder. Lightning comes slightly later, illuminating the sky in a flash. However, the silence remains, just like how it had always been. It was Tsuna that introduced the colours into his black and white world, that only the winners gain and the losers... well, lose.

His seniors from the basketball team came back with bouquets kissing his face. They were all crying tears of joy, happily enjoying the fact that their captain has graduated as the school valedictorian of his own batch. All of them handed their gifts to their beloved captain, and some noticed that a certain brunet was not there with him. 

"Akashi-kun, Tsuna wa doko?" (Where is Tsuna)

"He graduated last year, together with Mibuchi-senpai, Hayama-senpai and Eichi-senpai."

All of them -including this year's juniors and the other basketball members of the same batch- took a group photo in the basketball court with all the trophies that they have won in the three years. Seirin had only won once, in his first year. The rest was their victory, and the legacy will stay the same until an even stronger team shows up.

A small grin crept onto his face at the thought. These three years were eventful, he told himself. First, a brunet came crashing in through a short game of shogi and showed his capability of being someone of equal grounds. Second, Seirin won their school for once, breaking their chain of consecutive wins. Third, he found out that his best friend was heir to the world's largest company that excels in every field. He could list so much more than these, and he was thoroughly grateful for all the experience. 

"Ah... If only you didn't graduate last year. I would've loved to shared our wins and success with you. Too bad, I didn't get to talk to you at all this year." He whispered aloud, thinking that no one was listening to him. He sighed, before allowing his eyes to drift back to his game. 

Just then, the door slide open and the sound of shoes clicking against the floor approached him. He paid no mind to it, thinking that it was probably one of the seniors that had come to congratulate him on graduating. 

"Sabishi... desuka?" (Is it lonely)

He kept quiet, his mind slowly registering who was speaking to him. He could not tell who was speaking to him and he said.

"No, I'm all used to it."

"I doubt that is good, but that sounds just like you, Akashi -no, Seijuuro-kun."

He looked up immediately and a grin etched on his face almost immediately. In front of him stood a brunet all so clear to his eyes. His untameable hair grew slightly longer than before, eyes slightly narrower as compared to his doe eyes from last year. He was dressed in Armani suit, looking prim and proper as always. He took a seat in front of the redheaded, moving the bishop four steps back.


Words could not express how he felt as he gave him a tight hug (Friendly), showing how much he missed the other. 

"Tsuna! You're back!"

Said boy chuckled, pat his back and released him. With a bright grin, he nodded his head.

"I'm back, Seijuuro-kun."

"Glad to have you back, Tsunayoshi."


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