Presidents | Chapter 28


Chapter 28 | Spook

"Mah, Tsuna, I'm sure your school won't mind if we use the premises for spook night right?" Reborn reasoned, "We have the finances to prevent any carnage or damages after all."


"That's why I said that there won't be any carnage right? Listen to your subordinates, that's what makes a good boss."

Tsuna rubbed the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply as he breathed out. His intuition has been ringing ever since Reborn had suggested a Vongola-styled Test of Bravery slash Halloween night to be held in his school. Not to mention, he would be leaving very soon. Besides...


"Seijuuro will murder me for this!"

The hitman shrugged, laughing mentally at the priceless reaction of his charge. He wagged his finger while shaking his head.

"You can't stop us from doing this. You haven't grown a spine against me too." Tsuna frowned, pouted and folded his arms. "Who says?"

"Says me. Anyway, it will be happening at night, from six pm to ten at night. We've already made the necessary preparations for this to succeed."

The brunet slapped his forehead, sighing again. "There's no stopping you, right?"

"Nope!" Tsuna groaned.

"By the way, a few of your guardians are coming along."


Seijuuro stared at his friend's hollow form. Today, he looked as if he had lost his soul. He did not eat, he was not paying attention in class and he kept staring out of the window. Sure, he had all the lessons before and does well even without paying proper attention, but the brunet always makes sure to brush up at least a little.

"Ya, Tsuna, what's wrong with you today?"

Instead of getting an answer, he received a wayward laugh from him. "Na, Seijuuro, do you like haunted houses?"

The redhead did nothing, watching his friend go crazy over something he had no control over. 

"Meet me at the court at 6pm after practice today. Tell the others to stay as well. I have a little... gift for you guys before I leave." The brunet walked away, still cackling like a madman, sending a frightening tingle down the red head's spine. Seijuuro has a bad feeling of what was going to happen, but nevertheless, he passed the message on.

Half a day has passed and the whole group is at the entrance of the court, with a few new additions to the team. 

A raven head grunted in displeasure at the number of people surrounding him. How he prevented his fingers from grabbing his weapons were beyond anyone.

"Where's that herbivore?" He questioned aloud, but no one could understand him, earning him a few confused stares. 

"Don't be like that, Kyoya. Everyone is going to be offended if you don't mention a name. You were requested to come by Reborn, aren't you? Saa (Now)... let's go in."

First POV

There was a short cry from outside ("I don't care about bucking bronco calling me that, but you are not to call me Kyoya!" "HIEEE!") before the metal doors creaked open. The three of us looked down, noticing the few participants that had gathered. For one thing, I had noticed immediately, was my favourite skylark had also joined them. I laughed silently as I recalled the very incident of him messing with my class A hairstyle. 

"We'll do things according to plan. So Nagi, prepare the 'thunder' soon." Nagi nodded her head, bringing the tin foil and beans to herself.

The "arcobaleno" wheeled over a trolley of basketballs with some glow-in-the-dark glue along the grooves. Each one of us took a ball, shot each other a grin before forcefully throwing them down, causing a loud resonating boom in the "haunted" room.


Back to Author's POV


"Woah! What's happening now?" Kotarou asked, hiding behind Reo right away. The group froze, while Hibari whipped out his weapons, glaring into the dark. He had inkling feeling of who was causing it, but he was not going to attack while he does not know who was behind it.


The prefect darted towards the sound, but he could not attack anything as the cause was too swift. Tsuna gathered the others behind him as he pretended to light up his matchstick to see a little of their surroundings. (He struck a match while using his own soft flames to light the object. His flame is usually brighter than usual flames) 


Nebuya growled while aimlessly punching the air with his fists. "Come out you cowards! Don't hide behind the dark!"

"But what if my target isn't you? Kufufufu..." Someone whispered into his ears, scaring the crap out of him. The tanned basketball player shrieked in horror, running around in circles the next moment to get that second out of his head. Kotarou quirked an eyebrow, wondering what was wrong, only to get the same treatment of a creepy voice whispering into his ears (Then performing the same ritual as Nebuya).


Tsuna was starting to have an idea of who was behind the creepy whispers but decided to keep his mouth shut and continue watching. Seijuuro glanced at the brunet, frowning at the weird grin on his face. 

To add on to the team's fear, glowing white clothes started to appear in the air, as well as green-coloured glowing fingers popped out and began to poke fun at them. 


They screamed, darting out of the place immediately while Hibari went further into the dark, effectively hitting his targets. Tsuna breathed slowly and exited, not willing to watch his two blood-thirsty guardians go neck to neck in their wrestle. He also has a few things to say to his... mentor.

"Stupid pineapple!"

"Kufufu... I'm not the only one, you hypocrite. Nagi, it'll be good if you stay out of this."

"Yes, Mukuro-sama."

"Kamikorosu!" (Lit. I'll bite you to death)

And chaos ensued.


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