Presidents | Chapter 26


Chapter 26 | Opportunity

The redhead paced up and down the corridor, his eyebrows furrowed as he recalled what his friend's brother had said.

"Reborn and your Nonno had decided to pull you out of school after your second year."

First off, from what he knows, Nonno is 'grandfather' in Italian. So apparently, Tsuna's grandfather has decided to withdraw the brunet from school at the end of the year.

Which is about... four months away?

This was a surprise to Seijuuro. He had always thought that he would be with his best friend until they both graduate. They had so many memorable memories together for the past one and a half year.

His team was punished by Tsuna when they were moping about their loss to Seirin during his first year as a high school student.

They had a shogi match to decide whether they can take that special room that everyone wanted. He won.

That short time when he thought Tsuna had left the school and will never come back. He bloody hell came back as a different person and caused so much chaos though.

They got chased by a group of art students who wanted them as their models.

That very day when the brunet asked if he could join him in a game of chess on a rainy day.

However, now, he was leaving for good. The red head wondered deeply how to make his last few months special.

Hold on, has he met Seirin yet?

Seijuuro cracked a grin in glee. What fun would it be to watch his president challenge the winter cup champions of last year? Of course, their school would win again this year but it was still good to see them duke it out leisurely. Ah... and that Kagami-idiot too, since their style is really similar.

He strode away, his phone in his hand while the gleeful grin warped into a sly grin instead.


"Faster faster! Move those feet people! Your opponents will catch up to you at this rate!"

Training at Seirin is still as ridiculous as ever. Their coach had a watchful eye over them, making sure that they do not cheat while in the game. A tall redhead made a quick dribble and jumped and make a fade-away, but someone else intercepted the ball mid-air.

"Hey! Who did that?!" Before he could curse more, a sharp jab was delivered to his gut by a blue head, who stared at him with a slight hint of amusement.

"Don't think about who cheated, Kagami-kun. Think about how to get back the score instead."

Just as Kagami was about to return the shorter one a favour, a loud ringtone reverberated through the indoor court and everyone froze. Riko, their coach, blew her whistle for a time out and shouted, totally pissed off.

"Whose phone is that?! And who's the dumbass calling?!"

Kuroko raised his hand and said. "That would be mine." He switched on his phone and checked the caller ID.

"Ah... Akashi-kun."


The blue head looked at his senior and silently asked if he could pick up the call. Riko nodded, knowing that avoiding the red head's call would equate to suicide. She then screamed at the rest to get back to training.

"Good afternoon, Akashi-kun. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Good afternoon to you too, Kuroko. Do you mind passing the phone to Aida-san? I need to speak to her for a moment."

Kuroko blinked. "You're looking for Riko-san?"

"Yes. Can you please pass the phone to her? Thank you."

Wordlessly, he passed the phone to Riko and mouthed to her that he wants to talk to her. The look she returned was almost comical. Nevertheless, she took the phone, but not without relaying to everyone to continue practising.

"This is Aida Riko speaking. How can I help you?"

Seijuuro smiled at her formality. She is a monster on the field, but she knows her manners while talking to someone on the phone.

"Well, you see..."

Riko listened attentively to what the redhead had to say, nodding her head a couple of time even though she knows that he would not see it. The plan that he mentioned to her piqued her interest.

"Sure, no problem! I'm glad that we are even offered this opportunity to get up close with Sawada-san. Then I'll see you and your team next week!"

"Thank you, Aida-san."

Said girl returned the phone to Kuroko with a wide smile on her face, making everyone feel uncomfortable. Hyuuga, captain of the team, asked her wearily.

"What did you land us into?"

She broke into a self-satisfied grin.

"A practice match with Rakuzan, and Sawada Tsunayoshi would be involved as well. We'll be heading over to the school this time around."

The team got pumped up. A lot. Especially the power forward ace of the team.
TBC next chapter


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