Presidents | Chapter 29


Chapter 29 | Farewell

The spring petals began to fall as they invited the last day of school in wholeheartedly. It was a few minutes before the final bell chimed to signal the end of the school year.

The whole school population was gathered in the school hall. The juniors watched their seniors collect their congratulatory certificates, as well as their final year results that determined the next branch in their paths.

The student council sat at the front row, clapping their hands enthusiastically when their own senior council members took their certificates. Yet, their hearts were heavy, knowing something that everyone else does not. They all snatched glances at the kingly duo, remembering what is to happen at the end of the whole ceremony.

"Finally, Sawada Tsunayoshi from class 2A."

Everyone gasped, watching their brunet leader stand and walk up the stage to collect his certificate. The red head's eyes were wide, disbelieving what he had just heard. Sure, he knows that he would be leaving by the end of the school year, but seriously...

When the heck did he take his final year exams?

"Can we have our president say a few words? Sawada-san, please."

Murmurs broke out in the crowd, but it was quickly subdued when he coughed into the microphone, gaining everyone's attention.

"Uh... yes... G-good afternoon, principal, vice-principal, teachers, student council and fellow schoolmates. Today we celebrate the success our seniors, who will be moving on towards the bright future ahead of them. I would like to take this chance to thank everyone for your help during our toughest times, showing the unity of the school, as well as the fact that success is not everything.

I have learnt many things in school, made many friends of different ages, and know more about the people around me. Classes were entertaining and our teachers had been tolerant towards our rambunctious behaviours. Thank you for your kindness and patience, teachers.

Now, I know why you're all confused as to why I am receiving this certificate now instead of my graduating year. The situation at home now is really chaotic and thus forcing me to leave school this year.

Instead of feeling sad at this news, I think each and every one of us should continue to work hard and press forward. School is merely another milestone in our lives, surely we can continue to grow from every decision we make. Don't worry about the past and keep moving forward.

Now, I promised to say simply a few words and I will keep to it. Besides, I don't really know how to make inspirational speeches nor had the teachers had time to read through mine.

I had a great time at school. The basketball club was fun, everyone was passionate about the sport and it became one of my favourite activities that I look forward to. I gained many experiences from the games and I'd love to have more. I can still remember the silly moments we had during class, club and even at our breaks.

'Life isn't limited to only the game boards, it goes beyond', a parting word from me to you. Go the extra mile, don't just stop and stare. Don't sing the song now either, if you know what I mean.

Lastly, you're not bound by anyone's dreams or expectations. Break your own ground and walk on it. It is never too late to try or learn something new.

Once again, thank you all for a wonderful school year! My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi from class 2A. Thank you!"

He walked down the stage, sitting back to his original chair, a content look marred on his face. He could not think of anything else but home at the moment. He could not wait to see his grandfather again, as well as his family. Everyone was silenced at his short speech. Some wondered why their favourite president was leaving, while others pondered whether to clap or not.

Suddenly, someone at the back began to clap loudly. He or she stood up and shouted to the front.

"WELL DONE, KAICHOU!" (President)

As if the voice was a trigger, everyone else began to cheer for the only second-year who was graduating with the seniors. A shy but proud smile was etched on their president's face, basking in the cheers of his schoolmates. He stood up and bowed to the crowd in gratitude.

"Thank you, everyone!"

Seijuuro glanced at him, a slight serene look was seen. That weird Italian teacher's words, also known as Dino-sensei, Tsuna's older brother.

"Please take care of him."

Now he is leaving, going back home to face whatever his family has been facing. He did wish that the brunet could stay longer, attend more games with him, view much more sights in Osaka than what he had seen, and lastly, graduate with the rest of them. Of course, family is always first.

"You're going home, aren't you?"

Tsuna looked at the redhead, before facing the stage again, filtering only Seijuuro's words and not the others -the stage, teachers and the students.


"Well, see you."

"You too, Seijuuro-kun. Bye bye."


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