Presidents | Chapter 27


Chapter 27 | Chance

"So... we're waiting for Seirin to arrive for the practise match right?"


"And tell me why are we in the cold with this huge attractive banner that says 'Welcome Seirin', Mibuchi-senpai?"

"Hmm... Beats me, Tsuna-kun. Sei-chan told me to stand here with you so here I am!" The third year spread out his arms and tilted his body to the right and made a soft and light 'jjang' sound. Tsuna could not help but chuckle at his senior.

"Did he say when would they arrive?"

Mibuchi hummed a little before checking his watch. "He did say that they should reach around two. So they should be appearing pretty soon."

The brunet puffed his cheeks and blew his fringe in annoyance, being unable to take another second in the biting winds. The sun bearing down on them was no help either and he recalled that the stated temperature was about 0 degree Celsius (32 Fahrenheit). Well, he forgot to bring his coat so it was his own fault. Mibuchi looks snuggly in that down feathered jacket.

Suddenly, he picked up the sound of shuffling feet and swearing to the cold air approaching their direction. He turned his head to the left, watching a group of rowdy teenagers in a familiar uniform come closer. His eyes brightened up as soon as he saw a familiar blue head in their midst. He glanced at the older and made pleading eyes. Mibuchi sighed and nodded his head. Elated, he abandoned his post and ran forward.


The said boy stopped in his tracks, nearly unable to stop the other from tackling him. His groupmates looked at them as if they were aliens, giving them the weird look.

"Hello, Sawada-kun. It's been a while."

"Mou... I said to call me Tsuna right?"


The brunet broke free from his friendly hug and gave everyone a quick scan. His eyes finally settled on Riko, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

"Nice to meet you, Aida-san, as well as the rest of the team. My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, the vice-captain of Rakuzan's basketball team. Mibuchi-senpai and I will lead you to the indoor court. You guys must be freezing!"

They all nodded collectively.

The Rakuzan duo representatives quickly led them to the meeting place and swiftly shut the doors, preventing any more cold wind from entering. They directed the team to place their belongings on the spectators' benches and to start their own warm-ups already.

Tsuna wandered towards Seirin, popping up behind the famous duo.

"You're Kagami Taiga-san?"

Said boy jumped on the spot, startled by the sudden act of the brunet vice-captain. Tsuna chuckled.

"S-Sawada-san! What are you doing here?"

He smiled at the redhead. "Sorry that I did that. I was kinda expecting this reaction as well though."


Kuroko decided to join the conversation. "This is what Tsuna-san is famous for. He has an uncanny prediction timing and intuition."

The brunet hid his grin. He then waved to them as he left them to finish their preparation. "I hope to see what you can do in front of me, Taiga." His eyes flashed orange for a second, surprising the two of them.

When the match started, Riko immediately stationed Kagami in front of Tsuna, noticing how the petite male has statistics that reached ridiculous levels. Since she did not know much about the brunet, all she could do was send her ace to tackle him.

However, blocking him seemed t be useless. He is faster than the tiger, both physically and mentally. It was not much of use as well when Kagami activated zone. Also, since they did not want to unlock the second zone, Tsuna was able to play easily while cooperating with their team captain. It was technically harvest for the Seirin coach's brain.

Seirin lost in the end, by a rather huge margin. Despite that, both teams had thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Kagami marched up to Tsuna, his eyes glimmering with admiration. Kuroko stood a little behind him, panting while smiling that their opponents did not go easy on them at all.

"I hope that we get to play another match soon! It was awesome to go against you." He exclaimed and the blue head nodded his head too.

The brunet grinned and shook his hand. He knows that he would be leaving soon but he knows that he would meet these amazing people one day as well.


Seijuuro stood off at a corner, mildly smiling at the trio.


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