Presidents | Chapter 15

Chapter 15 | Suspended

With his new blond hair, new air and appearance (which was inevitable due to sleep), he stood outside the door, shaking endlessly. His redhead friend stood behind him like support, even though all he did was stand there. 
His fist rose against the door, shaking harder than ever. Thoughts ran haywire in his head with no definite stop. He opened his mouth to speak but he could not find the right words. He smiled grimly, realizing that he is stuck like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. His friend cocked an eyebrow, moving forward slightly. "What's wrong, Natsu?"
His hand stopped shaking as he sighed aloud. "Seijuuro-san, should I tell them who I really am? What if they reject me and suspend me? I know it's ridiculous but it is against the rule to have two personas in the same school. And the (sort of) hair dye too. Plus, I lied to everyone, even the government! I hated that rule until now... I... I'm an-"
"Tsunayoshi!" Seijuuro raised his voice, cutting his long train of what-ifs and self-rebuke. Many stopped at the name and looked at them, however, they saw 'Natsuyoshi' instead. Thus, shrugging the name calling. Said blond stopped and stared at him. He did not shudder at the piercing red eyes. "Look here, if you're gonna get suspended for this, I'm pretty sure the class would be against it too since you did nothing wrong. Besides, the effects are wearing off. I can see a lot of brown hair emerging already."
Tsuna stepped back slightly, taking out his phone to check if it is true. His reflection has two tones, a light one and a darker one; all mixed up in his head but the darker shade being more obvious near the base. Tsuna blinked in surprise, smiling a little. "Thank you then. I'll see you in a bit." 
He shooed the redhead back to class, knowing that he would not leave far and would watch at a corner instead. Seijuuro bid his byes and walked off, leaving Tsuna at the door. The latter gathered his bravery and knocked on the door. "Name and business!"
"Sawada Natsuyoshi. I have things to discuss with you, Ma'am."
What the brunet did not realize was a recorder being slipped into his pocket as he entered the room.
Seijuuro sticks a Bluetooth into his ears as he neared his classroom, accepting the chiding like he would when his best friend forced him to. The subject teacher pointed out the Bluetooth in his ear but he merely glared, getting his way. 
Once he sat down, he stared out of the window; just like how Tsunayoshi, or Natsuyoshi, would when he is preoccupied by something. 
"So what is it you want to tell me?"
"Sensei, please do not overreact at what I'm about to tell you... Actually, Tsunayoshi-kaichou has been back for a period of time already."
"Really?! Where? I want to see my favourite student again!"
"I-i'm sorry for lying to everyone but... I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi."
He stopped listening afterwards, hastily removing the device out of his ears before the real shouting began. He took out his notebook to not down the formulas only for the door to slam open, showing a downcast student and a furious teacher. "Go get your bag," he heard. 
Seijuuro stood up quickly, his hands grabbing the brunet's wrist as soon as he passed by. "So?"
"As expected. I'm suspended until I get my hair dyed back. But you know my hair was naturally turned blond so it'll take awhile." Tsuna felt the grip tighten around his wrist and he winced. He was about to shake the grip off until he heard, "unfair."
"Excuse me?"
He glared up at Natsu, his eyes blazing with anger. "Unfair," he repeated, even louder. Natsu stared hard, scrutinizing the person in front of him while his intuition ran crazy. "Akas-"
"Don't call me that foul name. I hate that name that drags me down! So what if I'm an Akashi? Why can't my family be like yours? Carefree and easy." He burst out, jerking his finger, stabbing on Natsu's chest. The other tightened his jaw as he took in the red head's frustrations. "Always thinking about yourselves... Sawada Natsuyoshi, do you know that I would have a hell time with those paper works with you suspended? I'm still not used to them you know? Who knows how long that blond hair is going to stay on your head? Hey! Maybe you'll fly off to Italy again! Damn you Vongola!" He grabbed his hair and yanked a bit, slightly hyperventilating. Natsu watched him in pity while the big company name gets passed around the class, shocking many.
"Natsuyoshi-sama is related to the Vongola? No way! He doesn't even need to go to school like this!"
"I thought he held some resemblance to Tsunayoshi-kaichou."
"Oh yes, Tsunayoshi-kaichou is also related to the Vongola isn't he?"
Natsu patted the male's shoulder and sighed aloud. "I'm merely suspended and I'll come back as someone else all over again. Maybe, I'll be back with strawberry blond hair next." He chuckled and smiled at the emperor. "Gosh, this is good publicity for me in the future. I'll take on the full burden of the school as soon as I come back. Take care of yourself for the time being, Akashi Seijuuro-kun." 
The blond stood up and plucked a strand of his hair off his head and placed it in a plastic bag. Everyone who saw it winced while fangirls cried "Natsuyoshi-sama's hair!". He hands it to the redhead.  "You can only let one person you trust have it. I would prefer Reo-nee hold it though." He says and slung his bag over his shoulder. 
"Damn it... Tsunayoshi!"


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