Presidents | Chapter 13

Chapter 13 | Model

Today is another hectic day with ladies chasing hot on their trails. They could still hear cheers of "get them" as well as "hot" from where they are. Their breathing is still rasped despite having an all-rounded background. Those creatures are ruthless and unrelenting. Selfish, they must add. Think of the high popularity they were standing at. They are literally the top two "who I want as my boyfriend" on their school magazine with the heading, "Newbie and Emperor on high demand!"
Right, where were we? Oh yes, the rabid girls.
They want either one of them to be their model for their art project because their volunteer caught a cold. Curse the cold, why did he not come? 
Two of them are still hiding. However, now they are hiding leisurely, playing their all-time favourite. 
"Remind me. Why are we playing this again?" Tsuna asked.
"To decide who plays model," Akashi replied.
Both of their hearts were racing in fear. Fear of being a model. Maybe, he should call his silver head friend. Maybe he should call his blond friend. Maybe, they should just sneak out and avoid paparazzi.
Okay, the third one is definitely out. Any girl that sees them would whoop in delight or something to express their joy. Neither are the other two options going to work. They are so far apart. The blond may be easier but by then, all the girls would have applied makeup on their faces, snapping pictures of what Reborn calls 'blackmail'. 
"Respawn! I would like to trade my pawn for the queen piece." Tsuna said softly, switching the pieces around. Even with this temporary joy, Akashi was sweating drops of nervousness. "Damn you, Tsuna."
"No thanks, Seijuuro-san."
Just then, the door to the place their heading slides opens slowly, causing the two males to freeze. They turned their heads crookedly and breathed out in relief when they realized who it was. "Mibuchi-senpai!"
Said male closes the door silently, his eyes sparkling gently. More like in excitement. "I heard the girls. They are chasing both of you to be their models for their art project?" 
A chuckle escaped the red head's lips. "I don't need to explain the situation to you right?"
"Why not bring back Tsunayoshi-kun to silence them? Natsuyoshi-kun? " Mibuchi suggested, a smile playing on his lips as his gaze fell on the blond. "B-but!"
"Just do it. For the two of us. I don't want to die under rabid fangirls." Akashi shuddered at the thought. He is a gentleman but he would never make a fool out of himself. 
Tsuna relented with a sigh of disappointment. "Don't say I didn't warn you." He starts pushing the orange flames out of his eyes, lighting his forehead for a moment which scared the two who had never seen it before. They were stunned for words at the fire play. The blond strands of hair began disappearing, revealing his brown hair that was supposed to be burnt away by the flames. Magically, their original president stood there. 
"Nice, Manager-kun!" Mibuchi gave him a thumbs up but he noticed the ragged breaths he started to have. By pushing out the flames, he is drainign his energy at the same time. "Tsunayoshi-kun, are you-"
"I'm fine!" He cuts in a shot the taller man a short glare. "This last for five minutes at most. Please find them quickly." The other two gulped at the ferocity in his eyes and nods. They headed for the PA system immediately and announced. "May the following students gather in front of the student Council room."
In less than three minutes, everyone called were gathered into the room, facing the shock of their lives. "S-Sawada K-Kaichou!" Visible beads of sweat rolled down the sides of Tsuna's forehead. Akashi and Mibuchi positioned themselves near him, in case he falls during his speech. 
"May I suggest you don't chase after Natsuyoshi-kun and Akashi-kun to be your models?" He started with a velvety yet slightly higher pitched voice. "Just get a random male that is flexible and outspoken to help you. Our two friends are very shy." He gave them his million watt smile. The girls blushed madly and agreed in stutters. 
"Great! Now may you please excuse us. We still have things to discuss." Tsuna addressed them politely, his voice turning more tired. Feeling puzzled by his sudden and shocking appearance, one of the girls asked him. "When are you coming back?" 
At that very moment, black dots began to swarm his vision and his body screamed low on energy. His legs were wobbly and he could barely stand. Mibuchi stared shock and quickly moved in to support him, in a way that is not that obvious that he is collapsing. 
"He may or may not come back. It is his decision." Akashi said as he pushes them all out, pulling down all the curtains and darkens the room, in time to see the brunet get unconscious. "Oi!"
"Urgh..." He groaned himself awake. His eyes flutter open and scans his surroundings. By the lookslooks of it, the school infirmary. He pulls a strand of his hair effortlessly and looks at it. "Ah, it's blond again."
"Looks like you're awake. Had sweet dreams?" Akashi asked. Tsuna rolled his eyes, causing Akashi to twitch slightly. "Why would you even think that I had sweet dreams? Gees. How long was I out?"
He pondered for a moment but Mibuchi cuts in. "Two hours. Took you long enough, Tsuna-chan."
"Did you end up being their model?" The brunet asked, his hands gripping tighter onto the bed sheet. Akashi glanced down and chuckled. "No, but I'm afraid rumours are flying." Tsuna cocked an eyebrow in question and unsteadily walked out, poking his head through the doors.
"I saw a ghost, Mira-Chan!"
"Some art students were looking for Natsuyoshi-kun and Akashi-kaichou but they end up finding Tsunayoshi-sama instead!"
"Kaichou is coming back!"
Said ex-president slammed the door shut, colour running from his face. Akashi smirked while Mibuchi had a sheepish smile. 
"Oh no..."


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