Presidents | Chapter 11

Chapter 11 | Ruckus
No one still knew who exactly he blond is. Maybe just his cover, Sawada Natsuyoshi and the other things he 'claimed'. 
Well, maybe except for the one red head. 
And the people the red head trust can zip their mouths. Such as Mibuchi Reo, likely to be him only though. 
They sat on the roof, void of anyone except them. The blond played around with his hair, admiring the golden locks that covered the top of his brown hair. 
For some reason, he woke up to blond hair instead of the usual brunet. Must be his tutor's work. Also, he could not revert his eyes back to brown for a long time. He tried, the longest was only for five minutes. He does not intend to reveal his identity until the time is right. 
"Maybe, I'll help you with the work in the background?" He suggested out of the blue. It is a tempting idea, really, for the red head. Akashi scratched his head and pondered for a moment. He gave in to the temptation at last.
"Okay. However, you are to show yourself to the council room AS Sawada Tsunayoshi. Deal?" Tsuna whined.
And whined.
And whined. 
"Cut it or I'll make you reveal yourself to the school tomorrow." His friend threatened, silencing his incessant whines for good. Akashi smiled in recognition. 
Tsuna turned on his heels and head for the door but he did not see the other following. "Seijuuro, you going now? Bell's gonna ring." As if on cue, the bell rang harshly, much to their dismay. "Now we'll be late for class."
"We won't, we'll be excused from class punctuality." Akashi smiled while his companion sweat dropped. Without caring about his statement, Tsuna grabbed the red head's wrist and dashed off, accidentally activating invisible soft flames for boosters. 
{Time skip} 
Without panting and all, Tsuna slammed open the door harshly, freaking the occupants inside the room. Using a lower voice like usual, "Sorry for being late, Kitamura-sensei!" He glanced at the stiff red head before pushing him down, he hissed at him to apologize. Akashi slaps his forehead (which their classmates find amusing) and muttered loudly, "Sorry."
Kitamura-sensei blinked before shaking her head. "Please be punctual next time!"
Before Tsuna could reply, "Wait a minute, teacher." Akashi said as he grabbed the blond's wrist. "UWAH!" The door slides shut behind the two of them before a friendly argument cooks up.
"Even if you're the student council head, you should not be late for class! WHAT IMAGE ARE YOU PROJECTING, Seijuuro?"
"I've been doing this all the while though..."
"NO WAY!" By now, their classmates are watching the verbal cross fire with their ears pressed against the wall. Many of them were laughing while some find this extremely familiar, after all, their previous student council head did argue a lot because of class. Plus, the blond hair stuck up like his. The voice also sounded as if his voice broke. Can't help it, he is stuck in hyper dying will mode. No helping it, they prefer the brunet though the emperor lead the school well. 
"KAICHOU! How about coming in now?" One of them decided to ask, leaving the name out on purpose. Instantly, the two looked at them, "Huh?" Everyone stared at the blond, stunned. The orange coloured eyes blinked, revealing brown for a moment before flashing back to that fiery colour.
"Ah, I answered it." Tsuna said softly, paling slightly while praying that his secret did not leak. Akashi slapped himself for the second time of the day. Idiot... "A-Anyway, we'll go in." He answered for the both of them as he yanked the red head's hair into the room, earning small shouts of pain from the teen. 
What a ruckus we made... The blond sighed inwardly.


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