Presidents | Chapter 14

Chapter 14 | First

The bright light was beating down on his back, as well as the loud and obnoxious cheers coming from his family. Slimy sweat rolled down his back and his hair dripping sweat. He groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance, losing his concentration in the game. 
Hold on, how did he get pulled in?
He clenched his fist and nearly spat in disgust. That manipulative, spoiled brat... Just wait till he gets his hands on his bright red hair. He would make sure he dye them brown and make him ingest some head hair growth drugs or something and put him in his shoe. Oh, he feels so pissed now. He still had a huge pile of papers waiting for him at home!
Said male felt a jab at his waist before looking up, tearing away from the sadistic thoughts he had immediately once he saw the culprit. Clearly, his tutor is rubbing off him. "Anything you need? Seijuuro-kun?" He wiped his sweaty chin with his sweatband, panting slightly. 
"You seem off, Tsuna. Is there anything bothering you?" He asked, just before pointing to the others to cover for him. The blond lightly glared at him, smiling a bit too sweetly at him, causing the other to shiver. Slowly, making sure the male followed, he pointed at the ruckus sitting at the VIP seats. Indeed, they were his biggest distractions. The hopes, expectations and stress pinned on him made Natsu feel like a walking dead. Akashi narrowed his eyes before asking, "should I call for the security?"
"No, and I can go on. Besides, calling the security guards will cause us to lose the game. Won't want that to happen, yes?" Natsu replied, his eyes flickering in orange for a moment, gathering his attention back to the court. His piercing eyes looked at Akashi, ordering him to get back to court. 
He then turned his attention to the Indigo headed boy, a vibe of superiority waving off. Aomine Daiki, was it? Sure, his agility was top-notch as well as his adaptability. Maybe, he could get him to join- NO CIVILIANS ARE TO BE DRAGGED IN! How could he forget his golden rule?
The ball bounced, music to his ears. He bent his knees, further than Reo-nii when he did void. Stunning the boy, he took the ball and immediately drives past three, shocking the Touou members. Aomine quickly gave chase, only for the said brother figure to screen the blond. He let out a grunt and broke past him, chasing the blond, watching in shock as the shortie shot a three-pointer into the hoop. 
What? He is even shorter than Akashi, which was nearly impossible. Unconsciously, that boy delighted him.
A certain corner of the spectators' seats burst into loud cheers once again, drumming into their ears. 
This was the breaking point for the boy, his anger radiating from him. The other team watched in shock as the boy glared at the people. Is that fire?! Someone call the brigade! They looked at Rakuzan, only to see peaceful looking faces like the scene was completely normal. Kotaro paled but stayed put, just like the rest. Akashi looked terribly indifferent!
"Oi, don't you think you're making too much noise?" He smirked at the cowering group. A certain silver head rose up and bowed, "I'm sorry, Tenth. We'll make sure to be on our best behaviour." 
Natsu made an amused face. "I don't think I can quite trust your words. After all...
You'll fight with Takeshi. Onii-san will cheer or scream. Mukuro will fight with Kyoya. Lambo will be crying his heart out for attention. Now, tell me you'll keep quiet." Silence answered him, knowing that he is correct. Orange eyes glanced at the only girl and adult in the group. 
"Please keep them quiet."
The game then went on smoothly, without a certain obnoxious group distracting them and Rakuzan easily defeated the other team with ease.
In the end, Natsu and Aomine became somewhat best buddies, since they are almost the same. A certain tutor smiled, polishing his gun quietly while a small group of people ground their nails in jealousy.


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