Presidents | Chapter 10

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"I won't let the values planted into the school go down the drain."
"If you're in troublecall meI'll try to help you as much as I can."
"Maybe I'll come backDepending on the work I have at hand."
"Don't worryyou'll always have my back." 
Akashi rubbed his temples again. He loosened his tie and drank another cup of coffee, brewed by the secretary. "Akashi-kaichou, would you like me to help you?" The secretary, Moriyama Tamaki, asked kindly. 
Akashi smiles at him and declined his offer, requesting him to bring in a plate of cookies and a cup of coffee. "I'll return in a while," Tamaki stated and hurried to his task. 
The redhead sighs at his towering papers. He still has homework but he needs to finish all the work before he can go home. Somehow, he wished that Tsuna is in his place now. The brunet is a natural-born leader and a hard worker, though reluctant when it comes to paperwork. 
He slaps another paper and hastily signs it, slamming it on a new pile he made. However, the paper contained his wish and he would have wanted to stare at the same paper if he knew the contents. 
After allit has Sawada Tsunayoshi's name.
A taxi rolled to the school entrance. The vehicle is lucky that no one is there looking at it. Even so, no one would find it suspicious. 
A blond stepped out of the taxi and waved a smile to his temporary chauffeur. "Thank you, sir." He dropped the fee and left, not bothering about the change. The driver looked like he needs it more than him. 
Keeping his sunglasses up, he smiled at the building. "At least Seijuuro is not tainting it," he mumbled. He did not inform anyone in the committee despite giving them his number. He breathed in the nice scent of sakura before starting his tour around the school. The basketball court is still the same, the flowers he planted bloomed beautifully and the sound of bells still chimed softly as a signal for the change of classes. 
"Ah, it's been a year ever since. Now that I'm here, might as well go to the Principal's office." He unbuttoned his thick cloak, revealing the grey blazer underneath. 
They did say rumours fly. However, this rumour was new to his ear. 
"Mimi said that he saw a blond hottie enter the Principal's office yesterday! She heard that he'll be transferring into the school!"
"Really? I hope he'll transfer to our class..."
Giggles erupted into the air and speculations of how the male would look like travelled like bees. Akashi tried to brush it off but even the council is whispering about it. All he could do now is to wait. 
He sat back in his chair and leaned backwards before staring out of the windows. The bell rang and students hurried back to their seats. A young looking female stepped in, silencing the room with her aura. She is a feared young lady. "Everyone, we have a new student coming to join us. Please be nice to him."
"Huh? But Norika-sensei, it's already so late into the year!" A girl said. 
The door slides open silently and the blond stepped in. His movements were graceful and his smile was contagious. The ladies squealed in excitement while the boys cheered for a new buddy. Akashi eyed the new boy with suspicions. That sharp shade of orange, untamable hair, "Sawada Tsunayoshi?" He blurted, gaining the attention of the excited girls. 
"Is this true?"
The blonde seemed to pale slightly at the commotion as a trickle of sweat rolled down the side of his face. "A-ano... Sawada Tsunayoshi... Who's that? Judging from the honorific you used earlier, he is the previous council president of the school?" He displayed his gorgeous smile again even though his tone seemed to be concerned.  
"Sawada-kaichou is the best president the school has ever had. Even Akashi-kaichou cannot hold a candle to him!" One of the males shouted from the back. Akashi sent him a glare before feeling a set of eyes on him. He faced the front again, only to see those orange eyes on him. He narrowed his eyes at him but he got shrugged off. He smirked.
"Ahem!" The teacher finally lost her patience. "Anyway, please introduce yourself, Sawada-kun."
"Yes! Everyone, it is a pleasure to meet you! My name is Sawada Natsuyoshi, please call me Natsu. Let's have a good year!" His voice seemed to swoon the girls as some of them fainted. "Sawada-kun," 'Natsu' gave his teacher a pleading look. "Well then, Natsu-kun, please take that vacant seat over there." She points at the seat by the window. 'Natsu' scoffed. No matter where I am, I'm always by the window.  He takes his seat and stared out immediately.
Just then, a voice whispered into his ears. "Welcome back, Tsuna. I hope you're ready to get back your seat. I can't take the work anymore." 
Said male widened his eyes but smiles, revealing caramel doe-like orbs. "I'll relief your duties soon so... Thank you, Seijuuro." He nods slightly, revealing a shade of brown hair within those blond locks for a second.


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