Presidents | Chapter 23


Chapter 23 | Sing

It was a holiday, a public holiday, and the unbreakable duo had set time aside to accompany each other.

Away from the papers.

Away from pressure.

They sat in a fast-food restaurant, quietly munching on their burgers despite being able to afford a grandiose, expensive lunch. The brunet stirred his coffee and huffed in boredom.

"Seijuuro, what should we do now?"

Said redhead glanced up, shrugged his shoulders before diverting his attention back to his phone.

Tsuna huffed and looked out of the window. He scanned around quietly before a bright glittery sign caught his eyes. He slammed his hand in front of him, eyes glittering as he declared.

"Let's go sing!"

Without another word, the redhead is pulled to a small room in the karaoke centre, scrolling through the karaoke system to choose a song.

While the brunet had trouble trying to look for a song, the redhead caught a title that seemed interesting to him.

Since Tsuna didn't allow him to decline coming here, he was not going to let him argue about what song he wants.

Wordlessly, he clicked on the song and music flooded through the speakers immediately. It was slow, reminding him of ballads.

The Vongola Tenth gasped but relented, knowing that if he didn't choose, he'll be wasting his $11 away.

[I wrote this song on my own]


The first day I met you
You were all alone
You're the Emperor
And I'm the peasant
Waiting for your attention
To be cast on my shoulders 


Your have too much pride
I have a lot to hide
Even now, I've got secrets unspoken
Yet you've told me all that's broken

From far, fruits seemed like flowers
But they were wrapped in plastic
Hiding their beauty
Like you behind power
And me behind rags

Yet, we said nothing to each other
Smiled at one another
Like unshakable bonds

Cause one day you'll say
"Hey. Who are you to judge?
We've been friends all the way
Who are you to judge?
We were strong since yesterday.

Don't belittle little me
I'm strong as a fiddle, mighty as a stallion
We'll test our bonds
And we'll Reborn

When the wind starts blowing
The clouds start rollin'
Everyone stops and stares
We'll just cut off our bonds right there-

"Gee... this song is depressing!" Tsuna mumbled, putting down his microphone immediately. Seijuuro rolled his eyes and shushed him.

"Shizukani (quiet). I wanna sing this!"

Cause one day you'll say
"Hey, who are you to judge?
We've been friends all the way 
Who are you to judge?
We were strong since yesterday

Don't belittle little me 
I'm strong as a fiddle, mighty as a stallion
We'll test our bonds
And we'll Reborn 

Brace this string through the Storm
We'll cling on till the Storm in gone
Don't let go of our bonds
We'll brave through another storm


Cause one day you'll say
"Hey, who are you to judge?
We've been friends all the way
Our bonds didn't budge 
Since yesterday 

We'll won't stray
Out of our original way
We'll test our bonds
Our unbreakable bonds

The red head placed his microphone down princely, a smug look on his face.

"100, for sure."

Tsuna raised his shoulders and put his arms up. "Your ego... the song described it quite well." He whispered.

Seijuuro glared at him, forcing him to sit back down with a guilty look on the face. He looked at the karaoke count.

His mind buzzed slightly as if warning him to be careful of his friend. There was a short drumroll on the screen before a score appeared.

"Congratulations! It's a 99! You've sung really well!"

Uh-oh. One point off of perfection.

Seijuuro blinked, his jaws slackened in disbelief. Choked sounds erupted as he could not comprehend the machine. "B-But--"

"Now now, Seijuuro, machines have flaws too. I'm pretty sure you scored 100 in reality." The brunet convinced, trying to put up his most persuasive tone to cool the other down. Luckily, it worked.

He clutched his shirt around his chest and heaved.

Another day gone, another year lost.


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