Presidents | Chapter 18


Chapter 18 | Blue

It is a blue Saturday.

The skies are blue.

The globe is blue.

The brunet seated at the corner of Maji burger is blue.

The red blotches in front of him smirked, swinging a piece of French fries playfully. They were both equally...


"Oi, Tsuna."

"What is it, Seijuuro-san?"

Said redhead merely hummed, nodding his head after receiving his best friend's mundane reply. Good enough.

However, Tsuna was ticked. With a low voice, nearly a whisper, he asked. "Did you just call my name for the sake of doing it?"

He should not have asked. This person does not bother hiding his mischiefs at all. He watched the redhead widen his grin, just like a certain marshmallow-loving albino that he knows. He banged his head on the table, not wanting to look at that face anymore. "Why did I ask? It was so dang obvious!" Came a muffled statement.

Seijuuro stifled a laugh.

Earlier, there was a mountain of papers piled behind the brunet's chair. They were roped together with a big piece of paper stuck on it. "Please finish these by today. Thank you~", it says. Poor Tuna had to rush through all the papers at an alarming speed while his helpers did so much lesser than he. All the redhead did was watch in amusement. Which led to this...

"You should have helped just now. All you were doing earlier was sleep. Sleep, I say!" Tsuna complained. He jabbed his accusing finger at the guy in front of him, his face turning red.

Seijuuro grabbed the milkshake within his reach and diverted the straw towards the Decimo. "Maybe a Vanilla shake could help cool you down." He paused for a moment, his eyes adverting somewhere before landing back on Tsuna. "You didn't even realise that Kuroko was seated beside you."

"Ku... Roko?" He turned his head to the side, jumping almost immediately at the sudden appearance of another teen, about the same age as he. His hand flew towards his chest as he heaved heavily. The pale blue head bowed politely, "Hi."

"Since when were you there?"

"A couple of minutes ago. Guess you didn't see Akashi-kun talk to me since you were spacing out. Due to stress, maybe." The male replied. Tsuna scratched his head in embarrassment and apologised.

Just then, another familiar voice boomed. "Oi Tetsu! Why didn't you wait for me- Oh? Tsuna, 's that you?"

"The one and only, Aomine-san." Tsuna replied, giving the indigo head a wide grin. Somehow, seeing that goofy head makes him smile. The joke from the last time they interacted replaying at the back of his mind.

"Tetsu" was pushed out of his chair the next moment, with Aomine squeezing in. He slung his arm over the brunet's shoulder, engaging in a friendly conversation almost immediately.

Both "Tetsu" and Seijuuro sat in silence, the former drinking the shake the latter took, watching the two power forwards exchange things within their limited vocabulary.

Ten minutes later...

Now, Seijuuro is slightly ticked. He coughed into his fist, getting the two males' attention. Aomine froze at the chilly air in front of him while Tsuna remained completely oblivious. "A-Akashi..."

"Yes? Seijuuro-san?"

Said male sighed, smacking his forehead. Aomine looked at Tsuna in wonder, amazed at the Emperor could not get angry at him. "Tetsu" continued to slurp.

Suddenly, a thought came rushing into the indigo head's mind. Tsuna had completely no idea who the other blue-haired companion is.

"Ah, Tsuna, this Tetsu."

"Kuroko Tetsuya. Yoroshiku."

Tsuna smiled, stretching his right hand out. Kuroko stared at that hand, tilting his head in question. Hesitantly, he took his hand and shook it.

Tsuna lets go almost immediately, knowing that he got adapted to the Western ways. "I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi! Please call me Tsuna!"

It was as if the clouds above the brunet's head cleared. It was no longer blue because of two blue heads.

Seijuuro hummed again, producing a serene smile at nothing in particular.


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