Presidents | Chapter 22


Chapter 22 | Copy

"Akashi-cchi! I'm so glad we're able to have joint practice today -ssu!" A cheery blond cheered and immediately attacked Seijuuro with a big hug.

Said red head shuddered a little but maintained his cool, kindly accepting the bear hug from his former teammate before hinting for the other to release him. He needs the air but he was not going to say it.

Though the blond did not catch the hint, he removed himself from his former captain.

Suddenly, his eyes darted around, as if finding someone in particular. Seijuuro tilted his head in question, puzzled as to why he was acting that way. "Kise, who or what are you looking for?"

"Where's that boy that whacked you on your head after the first winter cup in high school-?" A glare was shot at him, as well as a murderous aura. Kise felt a shiver down his spine and turned to the other immediately. The red head had a blank expression but a mismatched smile plastered on his face. "A-Ah, gomensai -ssu, Akashi-cchi!"

Thankfully, for the blond, the aura dissipated.

"If you're talking about Tsuna, he is currently busy with school president duties. He's sometimes excused for club activities but he would always turn up, early or late. So don't fret, you'll get to meet him later."

Kise was crestfallen for a moment but decided to drop the disappointment as he would meet the boy anyway. He gave Seijuuro a bright grin, nodding his head before trotting to his current teammates. The previous captain was not here already but he still received the same treatment. The red head could only sigh and shake his head.

Their coaches were discussing things about the practice match while the other Rakuzan members continued to practice, even the first string players were training but the selected few from Kaijo high idled around, their eyes still wide at the indoor court's facilities.

"Oi, Kise, what did you discuss with the Emperor?" One of the newer members asked. Said male merely shrugged, his permenant grin still stuck on his face as he reminded himself that his favourite Rakuzan player would be coming later.

"Oh, and where is that kid that managed to do the same shot as Midorima from Shutoku?"

Kise brightened immediately, grabbing the member's hands and shaking them vigorously for no reason. "He's coming later -ssu! Akashi-cchi said so and Imma gonna trust him!"

The discussions between the coaches ended right after and they were all gathered to the centre. Members not selected from Rakuzan were ushered to the other indoor courts, allowing them to play the full court. Most of them had changed into their jerseys, including an excited blond and a passive red.

"The usual routine, similar to the matches. Team with the most points wins!"


The whistle was blown, signalling the start of the practice match. Both teams were having a blast trying to outwit each other, score better than the other. It was merely a practice round but it was so heated up, it felt like the real game.

The remaining Rakuzan members cheered for their favourite team (their school name being chanted louder).

Their brunet president huffed as he ran across the school buildings, flustering at how late he was for today. He knew there was a practice match and promised to turn up as fast as he could, but the principal was running through some things with him regarding the previous basketball meet that was held a few weeks ago. Seriously, why can't he just let him go for once? He even signalled that he needed to leave but the old man simply nagged and nagged and nagged. He groaned mentally.

He went on running in the open space, cursing and swearing at the school's design. Can't the architects make the place slightly smaller? No wonder there's always a few students late for classes.

Finally, the inside court appeared. He could feel the heat from the inside radiating against the building's concrete walls, the shouting from the members cheering for the team. What a racket! Despite that, it made him smile.

Excitement coursed through his veins and he slammed the twin doors open, shrugging off the sudden attention he received. With a bright grin, he greeted.

"Minna! Osu!"

All the stinky males of Rakuzan bowed immediately, replying their school head president with equal vigor.

"Good afternoon, Sawada-kaichou!" As if his name were a spell, the crowds soon dispersed, as if his entry was the start of hard work.

Tsuna causally skipped over to coach, though his eyes reflected guilt. "I apologise for my tardiness, coach. So I'm gonna clean the courts as usual after club. Is there anything I can do at the moment?"

His coach sighed, rubbing his temples. He gave up telling the brunet that he need not clean the courts because his situation was understandable but he never listened. So instead, "club's almost over, if you didn't notice. There's only fifteen more minutes before they have to go."

Tsuna tilted his head, stared at the big clock and blinked, lastly frowning. "Coach, you're lying. There's seven more minutes left."

"That's worst!"

At the sidelines, Kise leaned over to Seijuuro and whispered. "He's the one, right? I've never seen someone with his personality before."

"He's the unique alien president alright. However, he has skills." The red head replied, yet there was no one there already.

The captain widened his ruby eyes in shock, switching his glance over to Tsuna, catching Kise bounding around him at the same time. They exchanged something that he could not hear but could interpret.

The Vongola boss removed his tie and blazer, setting them neatly on the bench.

Seijuuro thought, "He must have challenged him something, like him challenging Kagami."

Everyone gathered at the side and watched with concentration. Tsuna dribbled the ball on the spot, his breathing now slow and steady. He kept his chin low and observed the blond.

"Here I go, Kise-san."

Said teen gulped but nodded. The brunet gave a gentle smile and reminded, "you have to give in your utmost dying will to learn this, promise?"

There was that gulp again.

Tsuna dived, his body bent low and he took advantage of the wide split of Kise's legs. He dribbled the ball between, catching it behind and finally, leaping up into the air.

It all happened in a split second.

Kise turned around with gold orbs filled with awe. For a moment, he saw an orange glimmer in his hand before it disappeared as the ball sunk into the hoop. It was a simple dunk, yet it felt so much more.

Everyone else stared, astounded by the teen while Seijuuro broke the ice.

"That was splendid as always, Tsuna."

His group cheered, rushing up to him, slapping said brunet's back harshly and congratulating him for stunning one of the MiraGen members (He did not topple over and that's some achievement).

The blond continued to look at him as he recalled the aura emitted when the brunet played.

That was something, Kise felt, he could never achieve and copy well.


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