Leave me alone | Chapter 2

 -In the future, Vindice HQ-

The black-cloaked men checked the beeping machine again. The beeping sounds are steady already. Behind those bandages, they smiled sadly at the girl connected to the machines. The girl has only woken up once and hence been asleep since then, but then... "Bermuda-sama, it's time." The only infant in the cold place nodded solemnly. His eyes drifted from bandage to bandage from head to toe. He breathed out slowly as he snapped his fingers, getting his men behind him.

"Jager. Open the portal." Said figure summoned as many flames as he could and opened a portal. Bermuda then proceeds to unplug the machine from the girl as his men carried her off the cold bed. "Let's go." Each of them began to disappear into the portal, the one carrying the girl going in last.

-In the past, Vongola mansion-

"Buon Giorno, Hayano!" Giotto burst into the girl's room without warning. The girl jerked in her sleep as she snuggled deeper into her bed. As she is a light sleeper and has sensitive hearing, she could hear exactly what was going on in her room. And that very moment, she hoped that everyone would get out.

The door banged open again and heavy footsteps thumped into the room. "Giotto! What do you think you're doing? Storming into a girl's room especially when she is asleep!" The voice hissed. Who says she's asleep? She's very much awake because of them! Hayano decided to clamp her ears as her mind began to imagine what the first storm is doing. Technically, trying to strangle answers out of the blond.

"Maa maa... G. Maybe Giotto is just excited to greet Gokudera-san for the morning." A chirpy voice similar to that Baseball-idiot said. The grip around her ear loosened slightly. The rain's voice is always so calming even though its density is beyond comprehensive.

"The Lord will extremely forgive Giotto if he repents. I'm sure it was an accident." The unnecessary word used there. Where did she hear it before? Right, Lawn head.

"Yare yare, why are you guys gathered here?" Another voice said. This time, it reminded her of the annoying lightning guardian back there as her palms begin to press against her ears.

"You people are too noisy in the morning, I'll arrest you." A cool voice said. Hayano shivered slightly. The clouds always have such a cold tone.

"Nufufufufu... What is a bunch of men gathering in a female's room?" Hayano's fingers froze as the arguments grew. She can feel his fingernails digger into the delicate skin behind her ears.

The familiarity of those attitudes bloomed within her as she fell into her own consciousness. The daily arguments she shared with the rain and the male mist guardian. The occasional sparring sessions with the bloodthirsty cloud. The constant sobbing and comfort by the female mist and the stubborn lightning. Her memories burned as she felt hot liquid staining her cheeks. She's crying in her sleep, drowning herself in memories. The arguments seemed to stop. A large weight then grasped her arms as her body jerked.

Her fingers moved on her own as she pushed the weight away. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Thump! She snapped her eyes open right at that moment as she saw everyone's shocked expression. Their eyes reflected disapproval as some of them shook their heads in dismay. Lampo even gathered some bit of courage and shakily raised a thumbs up. She could hear a soft groan right by the coffee table. She stared at her trembling hands as her eyes darted back and forth between the tips of her fingers and the victim. She hesitantly offered a hand to help. "Are... Are you okay? G?" Her eyes shut tight as she flinched when a rough hand slapped her away.

"I'm fine. I don't need your help. I can get up on my own, Gokudera-san." Hayano flinched. He stood up silently and rubbed his throbbing head. "Giotto, I'll go first since she's up already." The blond boss nods his head quietly and watched the redhead leave the room. Just then, they heard a silent plea from the only girl in the room.

"I'm sorry but can you all leave my room? I'll go down for breakfast." She sobbed slightly. The males glanced at one another and left the room, leaving her alone in the huge empty space. When the doors shut, she slumped onto her bed and buried her head in her hands. She cursed at herself. "Damn it, I lost it." She grabbed her fedora and stared down at it. "Sorry, Decima. I hurt the Primo Famiglia. I'm sorry." Tears brimmed up in her eyes as she sobs to herself.

Unknown to her, a certain blond lowered his head and covered his amber eyes. He recalled the time after Hayano was shoved into his best friend's arms. He caught something glittering on her fingers. Other than all those skull rings that were on her right hand, a familiar emblem got his attention. Something stirred inside him, like his thoughts telling him that the girl is someone important in the future. Now, he could not help but think that she may be part of the Vongola in the future. It sure fits, doesn't it?

After her morning breakfast, she wandered around the already empty halls and fingered her rings. She felt relieved as she felt the familiar patterns running around them. Suddenly, she heard a silent meow from her waist and smiled. She slipped into Japanese and whispered into it, touching the belt at the same time. "You want to come out already?" A louder reply came, agreeing entirely to the idea. She chuckled, "must have kept you in for too long." A small growl came.

She scanned left and right before darting behind the pillars, slowly leading herself to the back of the mansion. Excitement bubbled from within as she saw the wooden doors, greeting a long and dark corridor. Her grin widened as she ran through, her heart pounding hard against her ribs. When she spotted rays of light shining from the other end pouring into the alley, she stretched her arms out. She reached silver metallic gates (polished) and her hand pushed the cold metal, opening to a beautiful flower haven. She breathed in, taking in the sweet scent of the roses. Unfortunately, she forgot to close the gates.

The growling sounds have come louder and the storm guardian felt slightly irritated. "Alright! I get it!" Flames fueled the belt as she shouted, "Cambio Forma!" A familiar feline appeared and stepped on her toes almost immediately, sending the girl to grabbing her shoe while going hopping around in pain. She glared at her partner even though the latter purred and licked her affectionately. Her eyes soon soften and she lifts her hand to pat her soft head.

"I'm like a fool right, Uri?" She asked as if hoping that the leopard can talk. Uri growled lowly, not agreeing to the statement. Her owner is a very bright girl, maybe temperamental but she is a very kind person. She helps people even if the time seemed tough. She stood her ground on what is right while making decisions. Plus, she is an awesome tactician. How can her smart pet hate her?

"I tried to look for Hime but I couldn't find her till the very end. It's been a month and I haven't heard from the Vindice. Maybe she's really dead? Ah! Why am I being so pessimistic?" She scratched her head furiously. Uri tilted her head in confusion, wondering why is her owner so frustrated today? She decided to lick Hayano's cheek, causing the latter to laugh.

"Make it stop! Hahahaha! Uri, stop! Hahahaha!" She fell on her back as the feline pressed its weight on her, pushing her down to lick the face. Hayano's face got so wet, she looked like she just got back from playing in the rain, just muckier. Uri grinned at her job, at least she had helped cheer her master up.

Apparently, G happened to walk past the garden's door and heard the soft laughing sounds coming from inside. Curious, he pushed the door open and walked in, ignoring the dripping sounds of water leaking from the poorly fixed ceiling. He reached the gates and found it unlocked. He shuts his eyes from the blinding light and walks past the gates, his movements relying on his very ears. The sound was very familiar though it always sounded sad.

"I wonder how Decima is." He heard. Then another sound could be heard. Is that a purring sound?

He turns to a corner and opens his eyes. Sure enough, he saw Hayano but what shocked him is the other companion. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A LEOPARD CUB? And why does it have storm flames coming out from its ears?"

Hayano snorted and answered back. "Why not? My boss has a sky lion for a pet. The rain had a sparrow and a dog. The sun had a kangaroo that he spars with daily. The Lightning had a bull while the mist had a snow owl. Lastly, the cloud had a hedgehog, or is it a porcupine? When you think about it, aren't they all illegal animals? Except for the sparrow and dog of course." G stared wide-eyed at her. She explained to them like it was a common thing to do. The animals are common in her era though. Respect for the girl grew in the male and a spark of something unknown bloomed in him. He has a thousand questions to ask about her, he got curious about her, he wants to learn more about her.

"You... Walk out slowly with the feline and explain this to Primo. I don't want him freaking out when he sees a girl walking with a big cat that has storm flames." He said. Hayano shrugs and lifts Uri up, walking past the redhead and the gate gracefully. She tightens her hug around the cat as she walked into the corridors, her steps as silent as her own partner's. G kept his distance from her, his cheeks tainted in soft pink.

Behind them, a bunch of 'freeloaders' trailed behind the two in disguise. Not really in disguise if you think about the heavy mist surrounding the few.

Daemon grumbled slightly about the use of his flames even though he has some new materials of blackmail for the loyal Right-hand man. Lampo fussed slightly about the cramped space. Knuckle was saying his prayers. Asari just laughed while Giotto tried to hush them. Alaude is in his room doing his group's paperwork.

All of them noticed a small change in their storm guardian as a playful suspicion grew. For once, they agreed to do something that does not benefit each other much. Something that will light a fuse in the storm guardian and something that will cause total chaos without the Skylark getting angry.

The tailing started after G walked out of his study. His face was rather downcast and pained. Initially, Giotto wanted to ask what happened when he suddenly got pulled back by four strong arms. He nearly screamed when a tight cloth covered his mouth.

"Quiet Primo. Let us watch the show." Daemon demanded. His voice was a bit jumpy and sinister while a sadistic smirk graced his lips. The blond whimpered slightly and kept quiet. They followed the man to the garden that was supposed to be a secret. Lampo spoke first. "Why is he going there? Normally, he won't even take a step in." The others just shrugged.

"Perhaps he wanted to take a break? Get some fresh air?" Asari supplied. They shrugged again. Just then, Giotto picked up scuffling sounds behind the door. He faces the others roughly and presses a finger on his lips. "SHH! They're coming!" Interested in the developing plot, they followed his instructions. The silverette appeared first before the redhead came out. They cocked their eyebrows at the redhead before Lampo let out a sharp shriek. Hayano reacted to the sound as she dropped Uri and whipped out a stick of dynamite. "Who's there?" Uri hissed protectively. Behind the mist, the guardians pressed their hands against the green head's mouth, forcing him to become quiet. Minutes passed and she finally walks off, the animal still trailing beside her. G seemed to pause in his steps and looked at them. A smirk appeared and they felt a chill down their spine.

Lampo finally pushed their hands off his mouth. "Did you guys see that cat?" He shrieked louder as G turned left, disappearing down the hall.

"You mean the one with Gokudera-san? That cat is cute." Asari answered.

"NOT THAT! I mean the flames! Storm flames are coming out from the ears!"

"You meant those? It's amazing to the limit don't you think?" Knuckle continued.

"Nufufu... Could she be part of the mafia?" Daemon speculated.

"Wait, she knew about the flames? I thought we're the only family that has knowledge on this!" Giotto kept silent throughout the discussion. Not that he is thinking about anything, his mind is currently blank. Filled with only cells and most probably blood. "What are you thinking about? Giotto? You've been silent."

"Ah? Nothing! Anyway, if you're still going to tail them, I'll be taking my leave first. I still have a lot of paperwork to do and I don't want my head to be on a silver platter by G." He walked out of the mist dome, ignoring the many protests from the youngest one about 'Don't leave me alone with insane people!'

~Time skip~

A crimson head walked into the mansion quietly. He also made an effort to tell the maids and butlers in the house to stay quiet. It is not very common for the staff to see him sneaking into the house and it is a common sight to see their masters getting pranked by him. Especially Giotto and G. Said male headed for the dining room. After all, it's dinner.

He slams his hands onto the wooden doors and pushes them open. "I'm BACK~" He could hear certain people choking on their food as he flashes his wide grin. He then opens his eyes and scanned around. Yes, the usual men and a silver-haired woman, it's the usual.

Wait, a silver-haired woman? He waltzes over behind Hayano and taps her shoulders lightly. "Dear me, I didn't notice you here. May I know your name, Miss? You don't look Italian and I haven't seen you in this mansion before." Blood boil... Hayano tried to flash her least irritated smile. "A-Ah, my name is Gokudera Hayano. Hayano Gokudera in Italian. I'm one-quarter Japanese and three-quarters Italian. I'm born in Italy. I'm merely a guest here but I don't know when I'll leave though." She replied as she places a bowl of milk on the floor for Uri. She has no intention of locking away her pet.

"Cozart, please take a seat and join us for dinner." Giotto recovered from choking. Cozart smiled and pulled out an empty chair, allowing the maids to serve him. "So... Why is Miss Gokudera being hosted as a guest in this wondrous mansion?" He asks as he bit into the steak placed in front of him, noting the deliciousness of the beef.


"Why do you ask? Cozart-san? No, Cozart Primo?" Hayano asked as she wiped her lips gracefully, hiding her anger and grief. Cozart narrows his eyes at the girl. "Are you sent as a spy for the Vongola Family?"

"My whole family got massacred. I'm the last survivor, I'm a spy for myself." She replied/joked coldly. Cozart flinched in shock. "I didn't know. I'm sorry." She stood up, picking up her storm pet in the meantime. "It's okay. Well then, I shall take my leave. Thank you for the food." Everyone looked at her retreating figure quietly. Making sure that she was out of the hearing range, they closed the doors and started to speak.

"Who is she? Which family is she from? I've never heard of her name before. And how did she know my name?" Cozart started his million question queue, only to get slowed down by his friend. "First off, she was brought under our care for undefined reasons. The Vindice left her here as a favour of being her ally. Third-"

"The Vindice? What happened that allowed those cloak men to willingly ally with families, much less a single person?" Cozart cuts in unceremoniously. Giotto sighs and shrugged. "We don't know. Thirdly, I don't know how she knew your name or title. Next, what she said is true. Her family died, my intuition confirmed it. So try not to spout words carelessly." The redhead nods, understanding the pain one has to suffer through when their family die. An image of a cat flickered in his mind. "Oh yes, one more question!"

"What's that cat? I've never seen such breeds before. Is it even possible for animals to have flames emitting from their ears?" Shrugs answered him. "Oh well, can someone usher our bored Shimon Primo to a guest room?" G spoke up, officially ending the dining scene.

Hayano stood in the middle of the private garden. The flowery smell died down together with the day and the cold wind of the night swept past her. She shivered slightly before looking up into the night sky. Tears brimmed in her eyes.

"Gomen... Hime-sama. No, you want me to call you Tsuna right? I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you from those Bastards. I wasn't quick enough to react." She held her tears in. Just then, she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. "How about letting go for a while?" She snapped her eyes open and gazed over her shoulder. She pushed him away immediately. "G! What are you doing here?"

"So it's wrong to take a walk in the garden? Ouch, I'm hurt." He mocked sarcastically. Hayano rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "You know, you can cry here you know. No one would be watching."

"Never. I'll never cry in front of people I don't trust." She tried to cover her eyes. "What do you mean? You've been here for a month already and you say you don't trust us?"

"If I tell you that I'm a bastard's child, what would you do?" She bites back. G kept quiet. "See? You regret knowing me. You regret accepting me here."

"Through half of my whole life, I've been rejected by my own family. The maids at the mansion spoke too loudly, spreading the news that I'm not from the boss' legal wife. Soon, it fell on my ears. I ran away at the age of eight. The tutor that taught me how to use explosives didn't want to raise me because I'm too bratty despite liking females. Families that took me in due to my talent with explosives threw me out once they learnt that I'm an illegitimate child. I solve all of the problems on my own. I use the funds that I received and earned to keep myself alive. Life was tough when you were pampered for the first few years of your life. One day, the world's best hitman called for my assistance. I was elated, grateful even. There's this small hope that I will be accepted by this person.

However, the one that accepted me was who he asked me to fight or test, in his opinion. She was the first friend that I've truly made. She didn't reject me despite my heritage.

But then, one day, she was killed by an enemy family along with the others. They took my family! The family that accepted me. How would you feel if those people that accept you got killed in your stead to protect you? I tried to heal one of my brothers but he pushed me away, telling me to save my flames for better use. So here I am, conserving my flames. Pitiful, aren't I?" She blinked back her tears. Uri appeared from her ring and purred, comforting her owner. G clenched his fists at his sides.

"Who says that we're rejecting you?" He hissed.


"Who says that we're rejecting you? Aren't you the one doing it? Pushing us away, punishing yourself. Everyone would come and go, you have no control over them. It's life, so cry. Let go for a while, idiot." He scolded her. Hayano froze in shock. Her shoulders then shook as her sobs turned louder. She collapse onto the ground with her face buried into her hands. She cried, forgetting G and ignoring the presence behind both of them.

The other guardians including Alaude, Daemon and Cozart kept quiet. "I should invite Elena here soon..." Daemon whispered in concern. Giotto just nodded before looking back at the two.

She rolled onto her back on the wet grass in the crispy morning. Light filtered her eyelids as the sound of heavy footsteps came closer to her. She tilted her head towards the source while her head throbbed. Outlines of men came into view as their conversation turned louder. Who is there?

"Hey look! It's a woman!" One husky voice shouted. Her intuition pounded on her head. Screaming at her, RUN! She tried to get up but her limbs were like dead weights. She felt so weak like a newborn infant. However, despite her situation, she could still ask herself, Where is she in the first place?

"Oh? She looks like the Vongola Primo."

"Could they be related?"

"Anyways, this is a good blackmail material to threaten the Vongola and make them fall." A maniacal voice laughed in a sinister way. Vongola Primo? I'm already in the past? Then where's Jager or Bermuda or anyone else? Woah! She felt herself lift off the ground and slung onto a bulky man's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She wanted to scream but she could not gather any. Her throat felt as dry as sand and she could not do anything about it.

She opened her eyes with the remaining energy she has. All she saw was a group of silhouettes in black suits with a mad grin on their faces. Their hands gripped tightly on their metallic weapons. She widened her eyes slightly. Not good! They are going to attack the Vongola Mansion! Damn it! Is the future really that bleak? She thought as the last of her energy get sapped away from her.


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