Presidents | Chapter Special #1


Chapter Special #1 | Worth

"Some say to leave a mark in the world, you first need to prove your worth. Others say that worthiness depends on your character. Some say attachments are worthless, while others say attachments worth a lot more. Whether you are dispensable or not depends on how worthy you are, some would say. Others say that one should not look at people's worth, but their own worth. Some say that worth–"

"Stop stop, Seijuuro. All these talk about worthiness, some say, other say, is making my head spin." The brunet interrupted, now rubbing his temples as he banged his head on the surface of the desk. The red head rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. He slams the book shut, and glanced at his president with two ruby orbs.

"Rights... then we shall not talk about 'worth' since we are both worth plenty of things in this world."

"Nah, just you."


Just then, the door flings open with a loud bang, surprising the two year twos. A bubbly year three, despite all his exams, pranced in with a grin on his face, waving a piece of crumpled paper at hand. Seijuuro frowned, but it was useless towards him, as usual.

"Sei-chan, Tsuna-kun, look at this!" He said, now pressing the paper, now identified as a invitation card, right in front of their faces. The two teens had to lean back to read the paper properly.

And Tsuna's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

Dear Rakuzan High School Basketball Club,

You have been cordially invited to our Annual Christmas Private Event this year, hosted by the Vongola Corporations and the Cavallone company. Enjoy a night full of music and fun, and we promise that it will be an experience that you will never forget. Dinner will be provided. 

We hope to see you at the party!

Saturday, 25-12-20XX, 5 PM
World Grand Hotel 5F, Higaishi Azabu X-X-X, Minato-ku Tokyo XXX-XXXX
RSVP to Miura Haru at XXX-XXXX-XXXX

"And they are getting who now?" Tsuna shrieked in horror, now grabbing the invitation so tightly that the card seemed to be tearing. Mibuchi then shrieked even louder when he saw a tear in the paper and he snatched it out of the brunet's grasp. The forgotten red head winced at the high pitched voices, rubbing his ears to soothe out the pain. He still has a violin lesson to attend later.

Christmas... a festive season of the Westerners when they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The time of the year when they exchange gifts and sing hymns into the night. In Japan, as it was not as widely celebrated, people often, in his point of view, bought chicken wings from K*C and called it Christmas. It is less... extravagant as compared to the Western countries, thus, to Seijuuro – What is Christmas?

Just then, Seijuuro's phone rang, snapping the two screaming maniacs out of their scream fest. Swiftly, he answered the call peacefully, with no one shouting.


"Ah, Akashi-kun. Did your school receive an invitation from the Vongola Corps to a Christmas event?"

"Ah," he gave Tsuna a side glance. "Yes I did. And I'm standing next to the representative of the company as well."

Said "representative" widened his eyes in shock, somewhat knowing what this red head is landing him into. He started to tip toe out slowly, but someone gripped onto his collar and gave a relatively frightening smile.

"Here president, your call."

Mibuchi gave him a nervous chuckle, slightly relieved that the call (and the smile) was not for him. Tsuna stared at the phone's screen, reading the name while gulping anxiously. He opened his mouth to answer.

"Hello? This is Sawada Tsunayoshi speaking."

"Oh? Sawada-san? You're the representative of the event?"

"Haha... sort of... Why did you call? Kuroko-kun."

"Oh, about the party–" And the discussion lasted for a while.

The group entered the decorated ballroom together, dressed in expensive suits and dresses, thanks to Tsuna and Seijuuro. The pink haired manager gripped onto her crush's arm tightly as the red head lead all of them into the place. A brunet caught them from the corner of his eyes while speaking to a senior lady, excusing himself politely before heading to the huge group that just entered.

"Seijuuro! Minna! I'm so glad that you guys made it. Please help yourselves to the food at the left side of the room. The restroom is at the back, and I'll be mingling around as the host. Feel free to approach any staff here for any needs–"


"–I'LL BE RIGHT THERE! I got to go for now guys. And nice to see you too senpai-tachi! I'll catch up with you guys later!" He then hurries away towards the voice that called out to him earlier. The Rakuzan Basketball club only allowed the regulars to attend the party, just like the other schools. Seijuuro could see a crowd of hungry teenagers over at the tables, eating away already. Kagami was the most prominent eater at the moment.

"Tsuna's family sure knows how to host parties. This is really extravagant!" Mibuchi commented.

"He is one of the heirs of the world's leading corporations after all. This kind of party should be quite small as compared to their usual ones." Shintarou supplied and Seijuuro nodded his head in agreement. The rest just stared at the two like they were aliens.

"Had the both of you been to his family's parties before?" Tetsuya asked and the two nodded their heads.

"But that was quite a while ago I guess. It was held somewhere else. I heard that his family booked the entire building just for an event." Seijuuro added.


"Quiet down, stupid!"

The Rakuzan seniors, by then, had left the generation of miracles alone and went to enjoy themselves. The red head stared at them silently, knowing that there was no point in quieting them down now and to let nature work itself. The small blue head stopped their arguments almost immediately, getting an applause from a teenager.

"I would've recruited you if Dame-Tsuna wasn't so insistent in leaving school and private lives separately." He said. All of them turned to look at him. He then greeted.

"Good evening to you, Akashi Seijuuro, Aomine Daiki, Momoi Satsuki, Kuroko Tetsuya, Midorima Shintarou, Mirasakibara Atsushi and Kise Ryouta. Welcome to the Vongola and Cavallone Christmas Event. I hope you'll enjoy yourselves today. They call me Reborn, thank you for taking care of Dame-Tsuna. Especially Akashi, I heard he was a handful for a student president." Said teen smiled politely, having an inkling that the boy was more than what he seems, as if he was an adult in a child's body. (A/N: Detective Conan... hehehe)

"He is a capable leader, Reborn-san."

"Thank goodness. If he can't lead, all his training would be for nothing."

"I see..."

"Well then, our guests, I'll be taking my leave. Have a good time!" Reborn ended, leaving the group as quickly as he joined them. The group watched as he disappeared in the crowd when someone popped up next to the green head.

"Shin-chan, are you not eating?" The raven head asked. Shintarou jumped in surprise. Quickly, he collected himself and pushed his glasses back up his nose bridge.

"Right... we were about to... Go. Are you guys hungry?"

All of them shrugged, walking towards the table laden with festive goodies and lots of food. Atsushi was close to salivating at the pretty sweets and desserts.

"Ah, did you all just started eating? Let me join you!"

"Uwah!" Satsuki screamed, startled but the sudden appearance of the brunet heir. Tsuna winced at her voice, surprised by her sudden outburst, even though it was his fault. Everyone else in the hall turned to them for a moment then turn away, with some chuckling in amusement. The brunet laughed nervously then turned to the pink head.

"I'm sorry for startling you, Momoi-san. Here, a glass of fruit punch." He apologised, ignoring the look of bewilderment that dawned on her face. He dragged a chair out from under the table and sat next to Seijuuro. Around the table now was the generation of miracles, excluding Atsushi and Shintarou, who were called by their seniors to sit with them.

"Have you been enjoying yourselves so far?" Tsuna asked the group.

"Yes! The food is delicious!" Daiki replied, chewing on another piece of drumstick. Kuroko continued, "yes, the food is delicious. I can't live without a cup of vanilla milkshake a day but the fruit punch you've provided made me forget about it." Kise nodded his head in agreement, popping the third piece of cookie into his mouth. The brunet smiled at the them, delighted at their compliment.

"I'm glad! I'm sure the chefs would appreciate your comments as well."

Next, Satsuki then spoke up. "Sawada-san, who's the one playing the piano? It sound so good!"

Tsuna grinned. "That would be my friend Gokudera Hayato. He is pretty much like a piano prodigy and is quite famous when he was younger, for his abstract pieces of work. To him, those abstract works sounded like random pieces of crap. Pardon my language." The pink head giggled.

Just then, Tsuna's eyes lit up in realisation, as if recalling about something that he had to do. He excused himself for a moment, then returned with a bag. A huge, heavy looking, bag.

Curious, Seijuuro questioned. "What's in the bag, Tsuna?"

Mutely, said teen gave him a mysterious smile, reaching into the bag to take out–

"*Le Gasp!* Sawada-san! You don't have to gift us anything! We aren't as close to you as you to Akashi-cchi. And we didnt prepare anything as well!" Ryouta exclaimed as the brunet pushed an small box, elegantly wrapped with a golden bow on top towards him.

"Oh no, this is something like a tradition of the family. Each year, we will buy a gift for every one of our guests who said that they will attend the party. That's what I heard from my father. It's a small token of appreciation of sorts, so please accept it!" Tsuna persuaded. With a resigned looked, the blond took the gift and thanked the brunet. The former then gave each and every one of the basketball players a gift as well of different sizes. Some ripped the gift wrappers open immediately, looking at the gift with eyes as wide as saucers while others kept the gifts in their carriers, if they brought one.

Tsuna gave them all a sweeping glance, silently happy that they all liked the gifts that he picked out personally for each of them. He only found out about the party and the customs on the day Kuroko called Seijuuro in regards to the party. He stomped back home and demanded an explanation, but his tutor merely smirked in amusement. He was then thrown into a shopping spree with the girls, abusing his intuition as he picked the gifts for every individual that is attending the party. His head was pounding as soon as all preparations that required his assistance were over.

The party lasted all the way into the night and everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly, but those who were still studying had to leave for home already. One by one, they left, not forgetting to thank the host before walking past the twin mahogany doors. Seijuuro was one of the last ones to leave, other than the adults who were partying away.

He walked up to Tsuna, who was engaged in a conversation with this older lady, chatting amicably with one another. He coughed into his fist, catching his attention immediately. The older lady excused herself with a smile, congratulating the brunet on hosting such a successful event before leaving.

"Oh? Seijuuro-kun? You haven't left yet?"

"No, I told my chauffeur to fetch me at 12am."

"Wow, that's... really late."

The red head then took out an orange coloured box with a blue tie at the corner of the box. Tsuna froze in surprise. Seijuuro grinned, guessing what was running through his head when he presented him a present as well.

"Just as you have given me something, I have something to give you as well. Please accept my Christmas gift to you, Tsuna."

Politely, Tsuna took the present with two hands. "Arigatou, Seijuuro-kun! I'll treasure it."

"Merry Christmas, Seijuuro-kun."

"Merry Christmas to you as well, Tsunayoshi."

There was a moment of silence, before Tsuna broke it by suggesting a game. He shook the box, pressed it, shake it more, and said.

"Oh right, I'm gonna guess what's your gift!"

Seijuuro took up the challenge immediately, mimicking the brunet's movements earlier. An amused smile creeping up his face. He started the guessing first.

"Hmm? Then I shall guess yours. A shogi board?"

"When you have all kinds of it in your house already? No. A notebook?"

"No, too mundane for someone like you. A glass of champagne?"

"What? No! A pencil box?"

"Hey, I'm not that cheap, Tsuna. Keep guessing. Glass of China?"

"Within my budget! Within my budget! Does that box even look like it can contain that?"

"But your family can buy the world at one shot!"

"No we can't!"

The banter went on for a long time, exchanging looks of horror each time when something ridiculous was suggested, bringing lots of joy to the both of them as they laughed into the night. A Christmas like this, Seijuuro thought, might not be so bad after all.


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